Need to reverse the values of the sensors 3pi!

Hello to all members of the Forum!

I have to do a project where the maze to solve is black base with white lines.
Someone has done something similar? Some tips to help is welcome?


The Pololu AVR library already has code that supports detecting white lines on black backgrounds. See the library command reference more information (e.g. take a look at the read_line_white() function). If you run into trouble getting it to work, please let us know.

- Ben

Thanks for the help. I will check that function. :bulb:

sorry to revive an old topic, but how would you write it up in the arduino environment so that it follows a white line?


The 3pi library code already supports detecting the position of a white line on a black background. All you need to do is set the third parameter of the readLine() method, whiteLine, to be 1 everywhere this method is called (it is 0 by default, which requests the position of a black line on a white background):

unsigned int Pololu3pi::readLine(unsigned int *sensorValues, unsigned char readMode = IR_EMITTERS_ON, unsigned char whiteLine = 0)

You can find more information in the command reference.

- Ben