Need code for Arduino Uno r3 flysky receiver/transmitter 6ch and full h bridge Monster Moto 30a 2 wheel drive please

I’m building a remote control push mower I had two motors working with l298 motor driver but needed a stronger push lol so I got a Monster Moto dual driver 30a but have no idea how to write code where to start wiring either it’s different than the L298 luckily I found this site thank you so much in advance!the motors are jazzy wheelchair motors. Schematics/code?


We do not make that motor driver, so we do not have any specific advice for how to use it. You might try checking with its manufacturer, SparkFun.


Thank you for your reply I have found a code took a lot of research!! With this shield being few years old you’d think there would be a code that has been used and distributed. First code I wrote back in 86 was simple flip code on an apple my name would scroll down the screen over and over

Wow what times!

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