More forum downtime

The Pololu forum was down or functioning poorly over the past two days. The issue should not have resulted in any lost posts, and everything should be up and running perfectly now. Please let us know if you notice any further problems.

According to our ISP, the new forum server started having problems with a RAID card just two weeks after we moved to it. They managed to bring the server back up temporarily without understanding the underlying issue, but eventually had to take it down again, replace the card, and run a lengthy check on the filesystem to get things working. We hope this means that our new server now has new, tested hardware in it, and we won’t have any further bad luck!

Thanks for your patience,

I spoke too soon in the last announcement, as the forum went down again last night. Our ISP is telling us that everything is okay now, but we’re going to be watching everything carefully to make sure. We restored the last couple of days of posts; please let us know if you see problems.

Thanks again for your patience,

Seems to be stable now, but where did the advanced search go?


Oops! I was hoping to succeed in moving the forum to our new ISP without you noticing, Adam. Anyway, the Advanced search link should be back for good now. Also, I think I just noticed a few extra notification emails just come in; I apologize if you get bothered by some of those, too - please let me know if you notice continuing problems.