Maestro Controller to Stepper Controller

I’m setting up software to send commands to a stepper controller using the Maestro 12-Channel Controller. I’ll be using the Serial Port method to send commands. I know the direction codes are Chr$(0) for forward and Chr$(1) for reverse. What are the codes for performing a step and the code for performing a stop?

I’m using the Maestro 12-Channel Controller as the primary interface because I’m also using servo motors. I’m programming with VB6.


If you are using one of our stepper motor drivers, you can step the motor by toggling the output pin of the Maestro that is connected to the STEP pin of the stepper motor driver from low to high. Each transition from low to high steps the motor one step. The low or high state of the Maestro pin connected to DIR on the driver determines the direction. To stop, simply stop sending step commands.

For the Maestro, set the channels connected to the stepper motor driver as outputs. Then, using the Set Target command, send a target value above 6000 to make them drive high, and below 6000 to make them drive low. You can find information on the “Set Target” command in the “Serial Servo Commands” section of the Pololu Maestro Servo Controller User’s Guide located under the “Resources” tab on the Maestro’s product page.


The value range when using a serial port method is 0 to 255. So a value of 6000 is not possible. Now if a serial value of 255 is the same as a USB value 6000 then that will work.

The value of 6000 is for the Pololu protocol, not the Mini SSC. Information on using the Pololu protocol can be found under “Set Target (Pololu/Compact protocol)” in the “Serial Servo Commands” section of the “Pololu Maestro Servo Controller User’s Guide”.

You can also use the Mini SSC to set these outputs as well. For example, if you send the "Set Target " command with the Mini SSC protocol, you could send a target position 254 to make them drive high and 0 to make them drive low.


Thanks Derrill. That’s the information I needed.