Line Maze Solver - Lawrence Technological University

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Did you make this robot for a competition or a class? I like how your maze has some curved line segments. How does the robot detect the end of the maze? It seems like the end would look like a dead end.

- Ryan

This was our Senior Design Class which we created this for, the robot has 5 sensors, the combination for maze completion within our program has the front two sensors and both sides sensors “on” while the back sensor is “off” which would put the robot into a Maze Completion cycle.

How does the robot know to go forward when it reaches the goal dead end vs a regular dead end? Isn’t there a time period where the two look the same? Did you use any Pololu products in your robot?

- Ryan

The turn around module in our code is jumped into when all sensors are off, so basicly when the back sensor turns off at a dead end. In the maze completion the back sensor is on, while front and two sides are off, which indicates the robot to continue to go forward. Before the back sesnor turns off the maze completion is somewhat set up at a distance where the two front sensors come on before the back sensors turn off in order to continue forward. At that point the front sensors are “on” and back sensor is “off” the robot will continue forward which will then turn “on” the left and right sensor which in case all front sensors are “on” while the back is “off” which jumps into a maze completion loop. Yes actually, we used the chasis, motors, wheels,ball caster, and sensors are all pololu products. :slight_smile:

Okay, so the goal of your maze is specially tailored to the distance between your front and back sensors. Did you use the RRC01A or the RRC05A for the chassis? What did you use for your controller?


//Okay, so the goal of your maze is specially tailored to the distance between your front and back sensors.


//Did you use the RRC01A or the RRC05A for the chassis?
we used RRC04A for the chassis.

// What did you use for your controller?

we used the ATmega328P microcontroller made by AVR which we programmed using the AVR Dragon with Dragon rider add-on kit.