Issues Working Pololu QRT-8RC Sensor Code

I am currently in the process of developing code for a line following robot using an Arduino Uno R3 board and an Ardumoto to control the happenings of the bot. Neither myself nor my teammates have any prior experience with any type of coding or programming. With this being said… I have some coding questions…

I received code to work the Pololu QRT-8RC Sensor as well as a few libraries to allow for its’ success. Unfortunately, it doesn’t want to compile. I am going to give out all of the code and then the errors and hope that you can see something we’ve done wrong.

Here is the Main code:

#include <PololuQTRSensors.h>
#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_8KHZ ); // PIN 11 - create motor #1 pwm
AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_8KHZ ); // PIN 3 - create motor #2 pwm

// Change the values below to suit your robot's motors, weight, wheel type, etc.
#define KP .2
#define KD 5
#define M1_DEFAULT_SPEED 50
#define M2_DEFAULT_SPEED 50
#define M1_MAX_SPEED 70
#define M2_MAX_SPEED 70
#define NUM_SENSORS  5      // number of sensors used
#define TIMEOUT       2500  // waits for 2500 us for sensor outputs to go low
#define EMITTER_PIN   2     // emitter is controlled by digital pin 2
#define DEBUG 0 // set to 1 if serial debug output needed

PololuQTRSensorsRC qtrrc((unsigned char[]) {  18,17,16,15,14} ,NUM_SENSORS, TIMEOUT, EMITTER_PIN);

unsigned int sensorValues[NUM_SENSORS];

void setup()

int lastError = 0;
int  last_proportional = 0;
int integral = 0;

void loop()
  unsigned int sensors[5];
  int position = qtrrc.readLine(sensors);
  int error = position - 2000;

  int motorSpeed = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError);
  lastError = error;

  int leftMotorSpeed = M1_DEFAULT_SPEED + motorSpeed;
  int rightMotorSpeed = M2_DEFAULT_SPEED - motorSpeed;

  // set motor speeds using the two motor speed variables above
  set_motors(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed);

void set_motors(int motor1speed, int motor2speed)
  if (motor1speed > M1_MAX_SPEED ) motor1speed = M1_MAX_SPEED; // limit top speed
  if (motor2speed > M2_MAX_SPEED ) motor2speed = M2_MAX_SPEED; // limit top speed
  if (motor1speed < 0) motor1speed = 0; // keep motor above 0
  if (motor2speed < 0) motor2speed = 0; // keep motor speed above 0
  motor1.setSpeed(motor1speed);     // set motor speed
  motor2.setSpeed(motor2speed);     // set motor speed;;

void manual_calibration() {

  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 250; i++)  // the calibration will take a few seconds

  if (DEBUG) { // if true, generate sensor dats via serial output
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++)
      Serial.print(' ');

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SENSORS; i++)
      Serial.print(' ');

Here is the ArduMoto.h Library:

#ifndef ArduMotor_h
#define ArduMotor_h

#include "defines.h"

class ArduMoto
    ArduMoto();                                   // Constructor
    ~ArduMoto();                                  // Destructor

    void begin();
    void beginMotoA(int directionPin, int pwmPin);
    void beginMotoB(int directionPin, int pwmPin);

    void setSpeed(char moto, int speed);          // Set the speed of a selected motor, range: -100 to +100
    void slowChange(char moto, int speed);        // Fade the speed of a motor slowly to a specific value: range -100 to 100

    void stop(char moto);
    void brake(char moto);                        // Brake the motor

    int _motoSpeedA;
    int _motoSpeedB;

Here is the PololuQTRSensors.h Library:

#ifndef PololuQTRSensors_h
#define PololuQTRSensors_h

class PololuQTRSensors
void read(unsigned int *sensor_values, unsigned char readMode = QTR_EMITTERS_ON);
	void emittersOff();
	void emittersOn();
void calibrate(unsigned char readMode = QTR_EMITTERS_ON);
void readCalibrated(unsigned int *sensor_values, unsigned char readMode = QTR_EMITTERS_ON);
	int readLine(unsigned int *sensor_values, unsigned char readMode = QTR_EMITTERS_ON, unsigned char white_line = 0);
	unsigned int *calibratedMinimumOn;
	unsigned int *calibratedMaximumOn;
	unsigned int *calibratedMinimumOff;
	unsigned int *calibratedMaximumOff;



	void init(unsigned char numSensors, unsigned char emitterPin,
		unsigned char type);
	unsigned char _numSensors;

	unsigned char _emitterBitmask;
	// pointer to emitter PORT register
	volatile unsigned char* _emitterPORT;	// needs to be volatile
	// pointer to emitter DDR register
	volatile unsigned char* _emitterDDR;		// needs to be volatile
	unsigned int _maxValue; // the maximum value returned by this function

	unsigned char _type;	// the type of the derived class (QTR_RC
							// or QTR_A)

	// Handles the actual calibration. calibratedMinimum and
	// calibratedMaximum are pointers to the requested calibration
	// arrays, which will be allocated if necessary.
	void calibrateOnOrOff(unsigned int **calibratedMinimum,
						  unsigned int **calibratedMaximum,
						  unsigned char readMode);

// Object to be used for QTR-1RC and QTR-8RC sensors
class PololuQTRSensorsRC : public PololuQTRSensors
	// allows the base PololuQTRSensors class to access this class' 
	// readPrivate()
	friend class PololuQTRSensors;
	// if this constructor is used, the user must call init() before using
	// the methods in this class
	PololuQTRSensorsRC() { }
	// this constructor just calls init()
	PololuQTRSensorsRC(unsigned char* pins, unsigned char numSensors, 
		  unsigned int timeout = 4000, unsigned char emitterPin = 255);

	void init(unsigned char* pins, unsigned char numSensors, 
		  unsigned int timeout = 4000, unsigned char emitterPin = 255);

	void readPrivate(unsigned int *sensor_values);


	unsigned char _bitmask[8];
	// pointer to PIN registers
	volatile unsigned char* _register[8];	// needs to be volatile
	unsigned char _portBMask;
	unsigned char _portCMask;
	unsigned char _portDMask;

// Object to be used for QTR-1A and QTR-8A sensors
class PololuQTRSensorsAnalog : public PololuQTRSensors
	// allows the base PololuQTRSensors class to access this class' 
	// readPrivate()
	friend class PololuQTRSensors;
	// if this constructor is used, the user must call init() before using
	// the methods in this class
	PololuQTRSensorsAnalog() { }
	// this constructor just calls init()
	PololuQTRSensorsAnalog(unsigned char* analogPins, 
		unsigned char numSensors, unsigned char numSamplesPerSensor = 4,
		unsigned char emitterPin = 255);
	void init(unsigned char* analogPins, unsigned char numSensors, 
		unsigned char numSamplesPerSensor = 4, unsigned char emitterPin = 255);


void readPrivate(unsigned int *sensor_values);


	unsigned char _analogPins[8];
	unsigned char _numSamplesPerSensor;
	unsigned char _portCMask;


Thank you so very much.


Could you post the error you are getting when you try to compile your code? Also, it looks like you call the wrong library in your code (you have #include <AFMotor.h>, but it sounds like you are trying to use ArduMoto.h).

- Jeremy