Is the RSX-UM7 still available? What happen to Redshift Labs website?

I noticed today that the Redshift Labs website is not working. Has the company closed? We currently are specing the UM7 for a project and wanted to try to find out if that is a part that I may not be able to get in the future.


This website is working from my end. I think you can access now too:

Maybe there site was down or under maintainance when you tried.

Hello, kodetitan.

I am not sure what was going on with the Redshift Labs website, but as bidrohini pointed out, it seems to be back up now. We do not have any additional information about Redshift Labs.


Thank you to the both of you. The error from the hosting provider was not your typical 404 error. It was something that stated “This website has been disabled by the administrator at the hosting provider. Please contact us regarding this status.” Maybe they just forgot to pay their hosting bill.

Thank you for the attention. It is much appreciated.

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