I2C problem PIC18f452 Pololu 1250

Hello all,

I am having some issues with the I2C comms between the PIC18f452 and the Pololu 1250.

The code compiles and runs without an issue but isnt actually reading values from the sensor.

The cct is attached with relevant wires connected to Pololu board with conductivity checked to make sure all connections are good.

If anyone could point me in the rigght direction it would be appreciated.


#include <built_in.h>
unsigned short ACC_Data[6];
unsigned short MR_Data[5];
char st[100];
const char TX_PIN = 0;
const char RX_PIN = 1;

void initialize()

     PORTA = 0b00110000;
     PORTB = 0b11111111;
     PORTC = 0b00000000;
     PORTD = 0b11111111;
     PORTE = 0b00000011;

     ADCON1= 0b00000111;

     TRISA = 0x00;       // 'awake' port
     TRISB = 0x00;
     TRISC = 0b11011000; // rc6 and 7 inputs, to enable ASYNC serial COMS.
     TRISD = 0x00;       // ports B, D, A and E are outputs for the moment.
     TRISE = 0x00;       // network LEDs port

     // RE2 should be low
     // RA5 should be high
     PORTA.F5 = 1;
     PORTE.F2 = 0;

     T0CON       = 0xC4;  // Set TMR0 in 8bit mode, assign prescaler to TMR0
     TMR0L       = 96;    // Timer0 initial value
     INTCON      = 0xA0;  // Enable TMRO interrupt


     Usart_Init(9600);      //Initialise to 9600bps Baud Rate, 8 bit, no parity bit

void i2c_write_Accel(unsigned short accel_reg_W, unsigned short data_W)


     //For initialise only, I2C to accelerometer
      //start setting CTRL_REG1_A register
     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode from datasheet
     I2C_Wr(0x20);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits
     I2C_Wr(0x27);           delay_ms(2); //Write device data
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP
    //finish setting CTRL_REG1_A register

}                                //Only set 1 register from ryan TM Arduino example

void Initialise_I2C(void)
//Set up registers for I2C mode
SSPCON1 = 0b00101000;  //MSSP control register 1
//             | |||+---<Master mode select <0>
//             | ||+----<Master mode select <1>  //1000 is Master @ XXXMHx, 1011 is Master firmware-controlled
//             | |+-----<Master mode select <2>
//             | +------<Master mode select <3>
//             +--------<I2C enable bit (1=config pins SDA & SCL, 0=config pins as standard I/O)

SSPCON2 = 0b00000000;  //MSSP control register 2
//            ||||||+---<Start Condition Enable bit
//            |||||+----<Repeated Start Condition Enable bit
//            ||||+-----<Stop Condition Enable bit
//            |||+------<Receive Enable bit - enables Master Receive mode (1=ON, 0=OFF)
//            ||+-------<Acknowledge sequence enable bit  -Receive mode only   --|
//            |+--------<Acknowledge Data bit             -Receive mode only   --|--- work in conjunction
//            +---------<Acknowledge Status bit (1=no !ACK, 0=!ACK from slave) //Transmit mode only

SSPSTAT = 0b10000000;  //MSSP status register
//           ||     +---<Read-only, Buffer Full flag for I2C RX/TX SSPBUF 8-bit register
//           |+---------<SMBus select (1=enable, 0=disable) (high-speed I2C/SPI bus protocol)
//           +----------<Slew rate control (1=100kHz mode OFF, 0=400kHz mode ON)

SSPADD = 0b00001001;   //Set I2C baud rate @ 100kHz with 4MHz clock
//          ||     |       101000 according to datasheet, 1001 according to web example
//          |+--+--+
//          |   +-------<7-bit, (((clock/reqd_baud)/4)-1), set to 9
//          +-----------<Unused


     //MikroC I2C Handler Initialise

     //Set up accelerometer
     i2c_write_Accel(0x20, 0x27);  //SET ACCELEROMETER CONTROL REG 1/3      temp removed only
     //Set up acelerometer
//     i2c_write_Magno(0x00, 0x14);
//     delay_ms(50);

void setTX()

   PORTC.TX_PIN = 0;



void setRX() {

   PORTC.TX_PIN = 1;

void Write_String( char *str ) {

    char c;


    do {
        c = *str++;
    } while (c);


  void I2C_read_Accelerometer(void)

     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode  ACCEL_ADDR from Arduino ex
     I2C_Wr(0x28);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits                  x axis MSB
     I2C_Repeated_start();   delay_ms(1); //send repeated start
     I2C_Wr(0x31);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Read mode   taken from MikroC I2C example
     ACC_data[0]=I2C_Rd(0);  delay_ms(1); //Read in data from register
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP

     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode
     I2C_Wr(0x29);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits                  x axis LSB
     I2C_Repeated_start();   delay_ms(1); //send repeated start
     I2C_Wr(0x31);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Read mode
     ACC_data[1]=I2C_Rd(0);  delay_ms(1); //Read in data from register
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP

     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode
     I2C_Wr(0x2A);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits                  y axis MSB
     I2C_Repeated_start();   delay_ms(1); //send repeated start
     I2C_Wr(0x31);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Read mode
     ACC_data[2]=I2C_Rd(0);  delay_ms(1); //Read in data from register
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP

     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode
     I2C_Wr(0x2B);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits                  y axis LSB
     I2C_Repeated_start();   delay_ms(1); //send repeated start
     I2C_Wr(0x31);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Read mode
     ACC_data[3]=I2C_Rd(0);  delay_ms(1); //Read in data from register
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP

     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode
     I2C_Wr(0x2C);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits                  z axis MSB
     I2C_Repeated_start();   delay_ms(1); //send repeated start
     I2C_Wr(0x31);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Read mode
     ACC_data[4]=I2C_Rd(0);  delay_ms(1); //Read in data from register
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP

     I2C_Start();            delay_ms(1); //send START
     I2C_Wr(0x30);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Write mode
     I2C_Wr(0x2D);           delay_ms(2); //Write desired address bits                  z axis LSB
     I2C_Repeated_start();   delay_ms(1); //send repeated start
     I2C_Wr(0x31);           delay_ms(2); //Write device address to bus for Read mode
     ACC_data[5]=I2C_Rd(0);  delay_ms(1); //Read in data from register
     I2C_Stop();             delay_ms(5); //send STOP


void main()
   sprintl( st, "ACC data0 X MSB: %i\r",ACC_data[0]);
        sprintl( st, "ACC data1 X LSB: %i\r",ACC_data[1]);
        sprintl( st, "ACC data2 Y MSB: %i\r",ACC_data[2]);
        sprintl( st, "ACC data3 Y LSB: %i\r",ACC_data[3]);
        sprintl( st, "ACC data4 Z MSB: %i\r",ACC_data[4]);
        sprintl( st, "ACC data5 Z MSB: %i%i\r",ACC_data[5]);


I took a quick look at your code and did not see anything obviously wrong, but it is hard to find any possible problems without seeing the remainder of the program (for example, where and how the ACC_data array is defined). Could you show us the rest of your code?

Also, your circuit diagram looks like it only shows your PIC and a few of its supporting components. If you post a picture showing how the compass board is connected to it, along with the rest of the wiring (including power connections), we can check if your problem might be caused by improper wiring.

- Kevin


I have updated the attachments, i didnt want to post the whole code as it is over 1000 lines long, the extract attached now is behving the same as what was described earlier.

I have also updated the circuit diagram, again the complete thing is large (6 pages) so i attached everything i could think that is relative. The power supply is a regulated 5V.

Any help would be appreciated.


I am not sure why your program is printing four-digit numbers (like 5887) when those values are supposed to come from one-byte variables. Are you using the mikroC compiler? It does not look like %i is a valid format specification for the sprintl function; what happens if you change it to %u instead?

Do you have access to an oscilloscope you can use to see if the activity on the SCL and SDA lines matches what you would expect?

- Kevin


Thankyou for your reply Kevin.

I have connected a portable oscilloscope, i am getting pulses go from roughly -2V to +2V once a second, with scope set at 10ms per division as i would expect.

I am using MikroC as a compiler.I made the change from “%i” to “%u” as you suggested, i got the same result. I did then go onto thinking it was the write out command rather than the I2C, even though i have used the same structure for writing outputs previously. I changed it to just output bytes rather than a string with the byte and it seems to work. I tried working around the whole problem with the sprintf but am still having some issues after combining the high and low byte, may be something to do with 2s compliment.

I get a number of roughly 3000 when the x arrow on the board is facing downwards and roughly 1000 when it is upwards. If i disconnect it sends all 1s. Hopefully i can translate all the data into something useful.

Thankyou for the point in the right direction.

I am glad you are making progress on figuring it out. However, I am a little concerned that you think you are seeing a -2 V to +2 V signal (it should probably be ranging between 0-5 V, if you are measuring one of the I2C lines between the compass and your PIC, and it should not be going negative). Which line are you probing and where? Do you have an appropriate reference voltage (ground) connected on the oscilloscope?

- Kevin