I need help updating firmware - CP2102

CP2102 PGM02B
Driver - Hardware Ids USB\Vid_10c4&Pid_803b&Rev_0100&Mi_00&0s_NT

I assume firmware version is 1.00

I installed AVRStudio 5.1 today along with Pololu code libaries and winAVR environment on a new Windows XP SP3 notebook.

Error: The signature of the attached tool is AVRISP_2, which is unexpected.
Researching this I have found that I need to update programmer firmware which I downloaded version 1.07.

Following the directions I tried running the Configuration Utility.
When I click Start / Programs / Pololu / USB AVR Programmer Configuration Utility, I get the error message “No Pololu USB AVR Programmer was detected…” and the Start Bootloader is greyed out.

When this did not work, I have tried “shorting the bootloader pads” but the picture in the documentation is different than the hardware I have.

The closest I came was “Unreconized USB device”…

The programmer seems to be functioning as expected. Green led is on. Red led flashes until Orangutan is turned on.

What can I do?

2 hours later…

OK…I found /docs/0J6/8 Uploading firmware…
I was able to download and run “Tera Term”…
version 1.07 of the firmware would not load succussfully…
I was able to load version 1.04 of the firmware…

Does this mean I can not use AvrStudio 5.1?
Do I have to run AvrStudio 4?
What version of WinAvr should I load?
Is the pololu library the same or different?
Would it be better to upgrade the programmer?


We have two types of programmers:

It sounds like you are using the older Orangutan USB Programmer. Unfortunately, this programmer is not compatible with AVR Studio 5. If you get the newer Pololu USB AVR Programmer, it would be compatible with AVR Studio 5 and it should already have the necessary firmware upgrade on it if you buy it directly from us.

No, you could use the avr-gcc toolchain provided by WinAVR to compile your programs and load the programs onto your device using AVRDUDE and your older programmer. You never have to run any version of AVR Studio. We provide Makefiles with all our sample programs that you can use. This might be an attractive option for you if you have an older computer and don’t want to deal with the overhead of running AVR Studio 5.

You should use the latest version, which is currently WinAVR-20100110.

Sorry, I don’t understand the question. Same or different from what? The latest version of the Pololu AVR C/C++ Library is compatible with every device/toolchain/IDE we have discussed so far.

Yes, I would recommend getting the newer programmer so you can use AVR Studio 5.1 and also get all the improvements we have made over the years, but you don’t have to.
