How to use 3pi with wixel and PC with wixel?

I bought a robot 3pi and two Wixel Programmable USB Wireless Module (Fully Assembled).

3pi examples I was able to flash (line searching), and here’s how to use the Wixel something I’m confused.
At Pololu Wixel User’s Guide, I read that to use as a radio Wixel have two resistors

made an additional charge for the scheme.

Can someone tell me what the test should flash the firmware and what firmware 3pi should ask each Wixel, to convey at least some sort of signal from the computer to 3pi?

Hello, Andrey.

If you want to use a Wixel with your 3pi, the easiest way to do so is to use an m3pi expansion kit, which plugs into the top of the 3pi and makes all the necessary connections between it and the Wixel. Otherwise, you will need to make the serial connections manually, and since the Wixel is a 3.3 V device while the 3pi runs at 5 V, you will need to use a voltage divider for the Wixel’s RX pin, as you saw in the Wixel user’s guide.

To control the 3pi wirelessly, you can load the serial slave program on the 3pi. You could then use the wireless serial app on the Wixels to transmit serial commands to the 3pi over the wireless link.

- Kevin