How should this code be modified to make the line following robot follow a white line and black background?

How should this code be modified to make the line following robot follow a white line and black background?

#include <QTRSensors.h>

// QTRSensors
QTRSensors qtr;

// Number of sensors to use
#define IR 8
unsigned short qtrValues[IR];

#define Kp 0.1     // 255: 0.1     110: 0.2
#define Ki 0.05    // 255: 0.05    110: 0.05
#define Kd 0.003   // 255: 0.003   110: 0.004
#define rightMaxSpeed 255  // 255  50
#define leftMaxSpeed  255  // 255  50

int SetPoint = (IR - 1) * 500;
// Motor-A
int IN1 = 5;
int IN2 = 11;

// Motor-B
int IN3 = 10;
int IN4 = 6;

int lastError=0;
unsigned long cTime, pTime;
float eTime;
float P_error;
float I_error;
float D_error;
float PID_value;

void setup() {

  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

  qtr.setSensorPins((const uint8_t[]){21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14},IR);
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 250; i++){
    if (i % 5 == 0) {
      digitalWrite(4, !digitalRead(4));
      digitalWrite(8, !digitalRead(8));

  pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);   
  pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT); 

  digitalWrite(4, LOW);
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);

  for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++){
    if (i % 5 == 0) {
      digitalWrite(7, !digitalRead(7));

void run_fwd(int valueSA, int valueSB){
  // Motor A
    analogWrite(IN1, 0);
    analogWrite(IN2, valueSA);  
    analogWrite(IN3, valueSB);
    analogWrite(IN4, 0);  

void LEDs(void){ 
  if (abs(P_error) < 150) digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(7, LOW);
  if (P_error > 130) digitalWrite(8, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(8, LOW);
  if (P_error < -130) digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
  else digitalWrite(4, LOW);


void Run_robot(){
  char pntX[100];
  char floX[10];
  int med_Speed_R;
  int med_Speed_L;
  int position = qtr.readLineWhite(qtrValues);
  P_error = position - SetPoint;
  cTime = millis();
  eTime = (float)(cTime - pTime) / 1000;
  I_error = I_error * 2 / 3 + P_error * eTime;
  D_error = (P_error - lastError) / eTime;
  PID_value = Kp * P_error + Ki * I_error + Kd * D_error;

  dtostrf(Kp * P_error,9,3,floX);
  sprintf(pntX, "P: %s", floX);
  dtostrf(Ki * I_error,9,3,floX);
  sprintf(pntX, "    I: %s", floX);
  dtostrf(Kd * D_error,9,3,floX);
  sprintf(pntX, "    D: %s", floX);
  sprintf(pntX, "    PID: %s", floX);
  lastError = P_error;
  pTime = cTime;

  med_Speed_L = leftMaxSpeed - abs(PID_value);
  med_Speed_R = rightMaxSpeed - abs(PID_value);
  int leftMotorSpeed = med_Speed_L + PID_value;
  int rightMotorSpeed = med_Speed_R - PID_value;
  leftMotorSpeed = constrain(leftMotorSpeed, 0, leftMaxSpeed);
  rightMotorSpeed = constrain(rightMotorSpeed, 0, rightMaxSpeed);

  Serial.print("   ");
  run_fwd(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed);


void loop() {


To use our QTR library with a white line on a black background, you just need to use the readLineWhite() function instead of readLineBlack(), which it looks like you’re already doing. Are you having some problems with it?


Sir lemme give some time there is some problem from my side will get back to you if not working.