How do I trigger a sequence from an ESP32?

Hi all,

I can’t figure out this maestro/ESP32 issue for the life of me.

This sketch moves the servo to different positions using the ESP32 and maestro and works fine:…/d6def28c-35b0-4004-8f64…

This sketch is suppose to call sequence 0 on the maestro but I get nothing and I can’t figure out why:…/5e572d80-c94a-4936-be85…

Any suggestions?


The issue might have to do with how your Maestro is configured. Can you post a copy of your Maestro settings file? You can save a copy of your settings file from the “File” drop-down menu of the Maestro Control Center software while the controller is connected.

- Patrick

maestro_settings.txt (5.8 KB)
Hi Patrick,

Thank you for helping me out here, not sure why I’m having issues this round.



It looks like you probably created your script using the “Copy Sequence to Script” button under the “Sequence” tab. This button is intended to generate a script that will run automatically from the Maestro by itself, but it is not the best choice if you want to start the script from a command by some other device (like the ESP32 in this case).

Instead, I recommend you replace your current script with an empty main loop. The whole script will look like this:

# Don't do anything by default.

Then, use the "Copy all Sequences to Script " button under the “Sequence” tab. This reproduces the sequence in a set of subroutines after the empty main loop that rather than putting the sequence directly in the main loop. The first of these subroutines should share the name of your sequence (“Sequence_0” by default), and for that subroutine you need to replace the RETURN command at the end of the subroutine with a QUIT command. The rest of the subroutines for the individual frames can be left unmodified.

Apply those settings to your Maestro, and try it out. Please post an updated copy of your settings file along with a description of the Maestro’s new behavior if you continue having trouble.

- Patrick

I was able to get it work by adding more sequences, just have to do some cleanup on the code and finish this guys arms and off to the next project:

I’m glad to hear you got it working! Thanks for letting us know and for sharing the video. That looks great!

- Patrick