How do I program atmeag328PB (Pololu item #3162) using pololu usb avr programmer v 2.1

how do I program atmeag328PB (Pololu item #3162) using pololu usb avr programmer v 2.1, does it come with bootloader already installed on ( pololu item #3162) ,if bootloader is already installed on chip , how do I upload sketch using arduino IDE (which board to choose…? ) , if boot loader is not installed how do I install bootloader ( also which bootloader…?) which bootloader pololu recommends…?



Yes, the #3162 A-Star 328PB Micro comes preloaded with an Arduino-compatible serial bootloader that enables programming through the Arduino IDE via a USB-to-serial adapter like our USB AVR Programmer v2.1.

You can find instructions for connecting the programmer to the A-Star in the “Connecting to the serial interface” section of the A-Star 328PB user’s guide. After it is connected, you can follow the instructions in the “Programming using Arduino IDE” section.
