Homebrew Time and Temperature Monitor


I developed a time and temperature monitor for my beer homebrewing using the SVP-324. I choose this platform because it had everything I needed. I purchased it during the Black Friday sale so the cost was about the same as building it from other parts. The SVP makes a good general purpose project platform.

Visit http://blog.planetbuckley.com/2011/03/i-drink-beer-i-make.html to see the details.



Thanks for sharing your project. I have added it to Pololu’s Community Projects page. How does the beer taste when you make it with the BrewMon?

- Ryan

Hi Ryan,

Taste the same. BrewMon just helps automate the time and temperature measurements. However if you do it right, homebrew beer is excellent! I can make beer for half the cost with just as good taste as the commercial micro-brews.


Nice. Seems like kind of a spammy website, but “The #homebrew daily” picked up our tweet about your BrewMon. paper.li/tag/homebrew/2011/03/26

- Ryan