[Help] serial com--print float or int

I attempted to use “sprintf” to convert float or int number to string, then use serial_send to send the message. It works ok with int, however when it comes to float the message received is just some weird signs like “?&*”. I am using the following code:

void printInt(int a)

void printIntln(int a)

void printFloat(double a)

void printFloatln(double a)

I tried to define the variable as double and float both. Yet no one worked. My question is, what is wrong with the sprintf, is there any alternative way?
Thanks for your concerns.

You need to make sure that the floating point library versions of printf and sprintf are being linked, which is not the default with WinAVR, for example. What development system you are using?

Thanks for your hint. Sorry, I did not mention the IDE. I am using atmel studio 6. I got it. I need to modify the toolchain a little bit. Got details in another forum: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=122686 . (I assume it is ok to post the link. Hope this post can help others who got the similar problem.)

How is send_buffer defined?

The communication code I am using is modified from the example: https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J20/3.h.