Help me please to convert my code for BLACK surface in line follower... i used pololu 328p orangutan,qtr8a

//Robot Zero en PCB, ruedas negras.
#define F_CPU 20000000UL  // Baby Orangutan frequency (20MHz)
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>

//Leds. Salidas.
#define LEDR PORTB1
#define LEDV PORTB2

//Interruptores. Entradas.
//Sensores. Entradas y salidas.
#define D3 PORTD7
#define D2 PORTC5
#define D1 PORTC4
#define D0 PORTC3
#define I0 PORTC2
#define I1 PORTC1
#define I2 PORTC0
#define I3 PORTD4
#define LED_ON PORTD2

#define SW0 PORTB5
#define SW1 PORTB4

void inicializar_puertos(void);
void reset(void);
void M1_forward(unsigned char pwm);
void M1_reverse(unsigned char pwm);
void M2_forward(unsigned char pwm);
void M2_reverse(unsigned char pwm);
void motors_init(void);
int obtener_errorp(void);
void inicializar_timer1(void);
int obtener_errord(void);

/*********** Ajuste comportamiento robot *********/
//Constantes Regulador PD. 
int Kp = 10;  //  
int Kd = 4500; //
volatile int velocidad = 130;// 50 2500 170
//50 2500 170, casa. Medialab 50 2500 160
//largo 40 2000 160, 45 2250 165, 55 2750 190 5.051, 50 2500 180 5.06s, 50 2500 190 4.98

int main( void ) 
  char pulsador = 1;
  char seleccion = 0;


  if(PINB & (1<<SW0))
    seleccion = seleccion + 1;
  if(PINB & (1<<SW1))
    seleccion = seleccion + 2;

    case 0: //Interruptores 11
      PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);
      PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);

      velocidad = 155;

    case 1: //Interruptores 01
      PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);
      PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);
      velocidad = 150;

    case 2: //Interruptores 10
      PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);
      PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);
      velocidad = 140;

    case 3: //Interruptores 00
      PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);
      PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);
      velocidad = 100;


  while(pulsador != 0 )
    pulsador = PINB & (1<<PULSADOR);



  PORTD |= (1<<LED_ON); //Encendemos Sensores.
  M1_forward(0);    //Motor derecho. 
  M2_forward(0);      //Motor izquierdo. 

  while ( 1 ) 
  return 0;

void inicializar_puertos(void)
   DDRD=0x6C;     //0110 1100  
   DDRB=0x06;     //0010 0110  
   DDRC=0x00;     //0000 0000

void reset(void)

  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);
  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);

  PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);
  PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);

  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);
  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR); 

  PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);
  PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);

  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);
  PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR); 

  PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);
  PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);

//Funciones para controlar la velocidad y dirección de los 
//motores. PWM controla la velocidad, valor entre 0-255.
void M1_reverse(unsigned char pwm)
  OCR0A = 0;
  OCR0B = pwm;
void M1_forward(unsigned char pwm)
  OCR0B = 0;
  OCR0A = pwm;
void M2_forward(unsigned char pwm)
  OCR2A = pwm;
  OCR2B = 0;
void M2_reverse(unsigned char pwm)
  OCR2B = pwm;
  OCR2A = 0;

//Configuración del hardware del micro que controla los motores.
void motors_init(void)
  // configure for inverted PWM output on motor control pins:
  // set OCxx on compare match, clear on timer overflow
  // Timer0 and Timer2 count up from 0 to 255
  TCCR0A = TCCR2A = 0xF3;
  // use the system clock/8 (=2.5 MHz) as the timer clock
  TCCR0B = TCCR2B = 0x02;
  // initialize all PWMs to 0% duty cycle (braking)
  OCR0A = OCR0B = OCR2A = OCR2B = 0;
  // set PWM pins as digital outputs (the PWM signals will not
  // appear on the lines if they are digital inputs)
  DDRD |= (1 << PORTD3) | (1 << PORTD5) | (1 << PORTD6);
  DDRB |= (1 << PORTB3);

void inicializar_timer1(void) //Configura el timer y la interrupción.
    OCR1A= 0x0138; // 1 ms. 0C35 10ms, 0x0271 2ms.
    TCCR1B |=((1<<WGM12)|(1<<CS11)|(1<<CS10));    //Los bits que no se tocan a 0 por defecto
    TIMSK1 |= (1<<OCIE1A);

int obtener_errorp(void)
  char errorp=0;
  static char ultimo_errorp=0;
  char contador_sensor=0;

  if(((PINC & 0x04) != 0) && ((PINC & 0x08) != 0))

  if((PIND & 0x10) != 0) //I3 PD4 -7
    errorp = errorp - 0x07;

  if((PINC & 0x01) != 0) //I2 PC0 -5
    errorp = errorp - 0x05;

  if((PINC & 0x02) != 0) //I1 PC1 -3
    errorp = errorp - 0x03;

  if((PINC & 0x04) != 0) //I0 PC2 -1
    errorp = errorp - 0x01;

  if((PINC & 0x08) != 0) //D0 PC3 +1
    errorp = errorp + 0x01;

  if((PINC & 0x10) != 0) //D1 PC4 +3
    errorp = errorp + 0x03;

  if((PINC & 0x20) != 0) //D2 PC5 +5
    errorp = errorp + 0x05;

  if((PIND & 0x80) != 0) //D3 PD7 +7
    errorp = errorp + 0x07;

  if(contador_sensor != 0)
    errorp = errorp / contador_sensor;
    ultimo_errorp = errorp;
    return(Kp * (int)errorp);
    if(ultimo_errorp < 0)
      errorp = -0x09;
      errorp = 0x09;

    ultimo_errorp = errorp;
    return((int)errorp * Kp);

int obtener_errord(void)
  int error = 0;
  static int error_old = 0;
  static int errord=0;
  static int errord_old = 0;
  static int tic = 1;  // 1
  static int tic_old = 1; // 

  int diferencia = 0;

  if(((PINC & 0x04) != 0) && ((PINC & 0x08) != 0))

  else if((PINC & 0x08) != 0) //D0 PC3 +1
    error = 1;

  else if((PINC & 0x04) != 0) //I0 PC2 -1
    error = -1;

  else if((PINC & 0x10) != 0) //D1 PC4 +3
    error = 3;

  else if((PINC & 0x02) != 0) //I1 PC1 -3
    error = -3;

  else if((PINC & 0x20) != 0) //D2 PC5 +5
    error = 5;

  else if((PINC & 0x01) != 0) //I2 PC0 -5
    error = -5;

  else if((PIND & 0x80) != 0) //D3 PD7 +7
    error = 7; 

  else if((PIND & 0x10) != 0) //I3 PD4 -7
    error = -7;

      if (error_old < 0)
        error = -9;
      else if(error_old > 0)
        error = 9;

  //Cálculo de la velocidad media del error.
  if (error == error_old)
    tic = tic + 1;
    if(tic > 30000)
      tic = 30000;
    if(tic > tic_old)
      errord = errord_old/tic;
//    if(tic > tic_old)
//      errord = (errord_old*tic_old)/tic;

    diferencia = error - error_old;
    errord = Kd*(diferencia)/tic; //error medio
    errord_old = errord;

  error_old = error;


  int errort=0;
  int proporcional = obtener_errorp();
  int derivativo = obtener_errord();

  errort = proporcional + derivativo;

  if(errort > velocidad)
    errort = velocidad;
  else if(errort < - velocidad)
    errort = - velocidad;
      M1_forward(velocidad - errort);     //Motor derecho.
        M2_forward(velocidad);              //Motor izquierdo.
      PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);
    PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);
  else if(errort<0)
      M1_forward(velocidad);              //Motor derecho.  
        M2_forward(velocidad + errort);     //Motor izquierdo. 
      PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);
    PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);

    PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);
      PORTB &= ~ (1<<LEDV);

    TIFR1 |= (1<<OCF1A);


It sounds like you want to convert your code so that it follows a white line on a black surface. I did not look at your code, since it is quite lengthy, but if your code already follows a black line on a white surface, you would just need to invert all of the sensor values by subtracting them from the maximum possible value. I recommend looking at the function definition for readLine in PololuQTRSensors.cpp of the Pololu AVR library to see how the white line argument adjusts the sensor value for the line position so a 3pi follows a white line on a black surface.

By the way, is there any particular reason why you are not using our AVR library?

- Amanda

Hello, Thank u for trying to help me…
yes you are right, my line follower car follows a black line on a white
surface and i trying to conver that my car must follows a white line on a
black surface…but i cant((((
in our competition our car must follows on white line
i used pololu orangutan328p, analog qtr8a sensor,if u want i can send video
of my car…
i didnt use qtr library…

Amanda, can you look for my code in logic functions(sensor)
early i used arduino board but after pololu i dont like use arduino
now i am using just pololu…it is compactly and better choose…i like it
sory for my english
Thank you very mutch

*#define F_CPU 20000000UL       // Baby Orangutan frequency (20MHz)*

*#include <avr/io.h>*

*#include <util/delay.h>*

*#include <avr/interrupt.h>*

*//Leds. Salidas.*

*#define LEDR PORTB1*

*#define LEDV PORTB2*

*//Interruptores. Entradas.*


*//Sensores. Entradas y salidas.*

*#define D3 PORTD7*

*#define D2 PORTC5*

*#define D1 PORTC4*

*#define D0 PORTC3*

*#define I0 PORTC2*

*#define I1 PORTC1*

*#define I2 PORTC0*

*#define I3 PORTD4*

*#define LED_ON PORTD2*

*void inicializar_puertos(void);*

*void reset(void);*

*void M1_forward(unsigned char pwm);*

*void M1_reverse(unsigned char pwm);*

*void M2_forward(unsigned char pwm);*

*void M2_reverse(unsigned char pwm);*

*void motors_init(void);*

*int obtener_errorp(void);*

*void inicializar_timer1(void);*

*int obtener_errord(void);*

*/*********** Ajuste comportamiento robot *********/*

*//Constantes Regulador PD. *

*int Kp = 50;  //  *

*int Kd = 2500; //*

*volatile int velocidad = 160;     *


*int main( void ) *


*        char pulsador = 1;*

*        inicializar_puertos();*

*        motors_init();*

*        reset();*

*        while(pulsador != 0 )*

*        {*

*               pulsador = PINB & (1<<PULSADOR);*

*        }*

*        _delay_ms(500);*

*        inicializar_timer1();*

*        PORTD |= (1<<LED_ON); //Encendemos Sensores.*

*        M1_forward(0);         //Motor derecho. *

*        M2_forward(0);     //Motor izquierdo. *

*        while ( 1 ) *

*        {       *

*        }*

*        return 0;*


*void inicializar_puertos(void)*


*   DDRD=0x6C;     //0110 1100  *

*   PORTD=0x00;   *

*   DDRB=0x26;     //0010 0110  *

*   PORTB=0x00;*

*   DDRC=0x00;     //0000 0000*

*   PORTC=0x00;  *


*void reset(void)*


*        PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);*

*        PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);*

*        _delay_ms(300);*

*        PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);*

*        PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);*

*        _delay_ms(300);*

*        PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);*

*        PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR); *

*        _delay_ms(300);*

*        PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);*

*        PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);*

*        _delay_ms(300);*

*        PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);*

*        PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR); *

*        _delay_ms(300);*

*        PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);*

*        PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);*


*//Funciones para controlar la velocidad y dirección de los *

*//motores. PWM controla la velocidad, valor entre 0-255.*

*void M1_reverse(unsigned char pwm)*


*        OCR0A = 0;*

*        OCR0B = pwm;*


*void M1_forward(unsigned char pwm)*


*        OCR0B = 0;*

*        OCR0A = pwm;*


*void M2_forward(unsigned char pwm)*


*        OCR2A = pwm;*

*        OCR2B = 0;*


*void M2_reverse(unsigned char pwm)*


*        OCR2B = pwm;*

*        OCR2A = 0;*


*//Configuración del hardware del micro que controla los motores.*

*void motors_init(void)*


*        // configure for inverted PWM output on motor control pins:*

*        // set OCxx on compare match, clear on timer overflow*

*        // Timer0 and Timer2 count up from 0 to 255*

*        TCCR0A = TCCR2A = 0xF3;*

*        // use the system clock/8 (=2.5 MHz) as the timer clock*

*        TCCR0B = TCCR2B = 0x02;*

*        // initialize all PWMs to 0% duty cycle (braking)*

*        OCR0A = OCR0B = OCR2A = OCR2B = 0;*

*        // set PWM pins as digital outputs (the PWM signals will not*

*        // appear on the lines if they are digital inputs)*

*        DDRD |= (1 << PORTD3) | (1 << PORTD5) | (1 << PORTD6);*

*        DDRB |= (1 << PORTB3);*


*void inicializar_timer1(void) //Configura el timer y la interrupción.*


*    OCR1A= 0x0138; // 1 ms. 0C35 10ms, 0x0271 2ms.*

*    TCCR1B |=((1<<WGM12)|(1<<CS11)|(1<<CS10));    //Los bits que no se
tocan a 0 por defecto*

*    TIMSK1 |= (1<<OCIE1A);*

*    sei();*


*int obtener_errorp(void)*


*        char errorp=0;*

*        static char ultimo_errorp=0;*

*        char contador_sensor=0;*

*        if(((PINC & 0x04) != 0) && ((PINC & 0x08) != 0))*

*        {*

*               errorp=0;*

*               return(0);*

*         }*

*        if((PIND & 0x10) != 0) //I3 PD4 -7*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp - 0x07;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PINC & 0x01) != 0) //I2 PC0 -5*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp - 0x05;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PINC & 0x02) != 0) //I1 PC1 -3*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp - 0x03;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PINC & 0x04) != 0) //I0 PC2 -1*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp - 0x01;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PINC & 0x08) != 0) //D0 PC3 +1*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp + 0x01;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PINC & 0x10) != 0) //D1 PC4 +3*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp + 0x03;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PINC & 0x20) != 0) //D2 PC5 +5*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp + 0x05;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if((PIND & 0x80) != 0) //D3 PD7 +7*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp + 0x07;*

*               contador_sensor++;*

*        }*

*        if(contador_sensor != **0)*

*        {*

*               errorp = errorp / contador_sensor;*

               *ultimo_errorp = errorp;*

*               return(Kp * (int)errorp);*


*        else*


*               if(ultimo_errorp < 0)*

*                       errorp = -0x09;*


                       *errorp = 0x09;*

*               ultimo_errorp = errorp;*

               *return((int)errorp * Kp);*

*        }              *


*int obtener_errord(void)*


*        int error = 0;*

*        static int error_old = 0;*

*        static int errord=0;*

*        static int errord_old = 0;*

*        static int tic = 1;  // 1*

*        static int tic_old = 1; // *

*        int diferencia = 0;*

*        if(((PINC & 0x04) != 0) && ((PINC & 0x08) != 0))*

*               error=0;*

*        else if((PINC & 0x08) != 0) //D0 PC3 +1*

*               error = 1;*

*        else if((PINC & 0x04) != 0) //I0 PC2 -1*

*               error = -1;*

*        else if((PINC & 0x10) != **0) //D1 PC4 +3*

*               error = 3;*

        *else if((PINC & 0x02) != 0) //I1 PC1 -3*

*               error = -3;*

*        else if((PINC & 0x20) != **0) //D2 PC5 +5*

               *error = 5;*

*        else if((PINC & 0x01) != **0) //I2 PC0 -5*

*               error = -5;*

        *else if((PIND & 0x80) != 0) //D3 PD7 +7*

*               error = 7; *

*        else if((PIND & 0x10) != **0) //I3 PD4 -7*

*               error = -7;*

*        else*

*               {*

                       *if (error_old < 0)*

*                               error = -9;*

*                       else if(error_old > 0)*

                               *error = 9;*


*        //Cálculo de la velocidad media del error.*

*        if (error == error_old)*

*        {*

*               tic = tic + 1;*

*               if(tic > 30000)*

*                       tic = 30000;*

*               if(tic > tic_old)*

*                       errord = errord_old/tic;*

*//             if(tic > tic_old)*

*//                     errord = (errord_old*tic_old)/tic;*


*        else*

*        {*

*               tic++;*

               *diferencia = error - error_old;*

*               errord = Kd*(diferencia)/tic; //error medio*

*               errord_old = errord;*

*               tic_old=tic;*


*        }*

*        error_old = error;*





*        int errort=0;*

*        int proporcional = obtener_errorp();*

        *int derivativo = obtener_errord();*

*        errort = proporcional + derivativo;*

        *if(errort > velocidad)*

*               errort = velocidad;*

*        else if(errort < - velocidad)*

*               errort = - velocidad;*

*        if(errort>0)*

*        {*

*        M1_forward(velocidad - errort);     //Motor derecho.*

*        M2_forward(velocidad);              //Motor izquierdo.*

*            PORTB |= (1<<LEDV);*

*               PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);*

*        }*

*        else if(errort<0)*

*        {*

*        M1_forward(velocidad);              //Motor derecho.  *

*        M2_forward(velocidad + errort);     //Motor izquierdo. *

*            PORTB |= (1<<LEDR);*

*               PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDV);*

*        }*

*        else*

*        {*

*        M2_forward(velocidad);       *

*        M1_forward(velocidad);*

*               PORTB &= ~(1<<LEDR);*

*            PORTB &= ~ (1<<LEDV);*

*        }*

*    TIFR1 |= (1<<OCF1A);*


I did not see a function called sensors in your code. As I said in my previous post, your code is quite lengthy, so if you want me to look at a specific part of it, please post just that part.

Why can you not modify your code to follow a white line? Just to clarify, did you write the code you posted? It might be easier for you to use the 3pi-linefollower-pid code in our AVR library. By default, that code follows a black line on a white background. To convert the code so that it follows a white line on a black surface, simply change all instances of read_line to read_line_white.

- Amanda