I would to drive my motor with specific steps.
I bought the board A4983, and I connected in this way Microcontroller (Arduino Mega) with Polulu A4983 and my motor HY 200 2220 0100 AX 08 (see image).
With Enable High, every time I distribute Program in Arduino board, motor began to move (more than one turn) and after it stops (touching motor with fingers, it isn’t blocked).
I tried to regulate the potentiometer on A4983. I set 3.0 Vdc on Vref pin (the Arduino output is 5Vdc).
After I change Enable (Low), motor doesn’t runs, and after some minutes, A4983 board began to burn!
The code is:
int PinDir = 30; // DIR
int PinStep = 31; // STEP
int PinSleep = 32; // SLEEP negato
int PinReset = 33; // RESET negato
int PinMstre = 34; // MS3
int PinMsdue = 35; // MS2
int PinMsuno = 36; // MS1
int PinEnable = 37; // ENABLE negato
int PinVref = 38; // VREF
int PinLed = 13; // led
void setup() {
pinMode(PinDir, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinStep, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinSleep, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinReset, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinMstre, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinMsdue, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinMsuno, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinEnable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinVref, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PinLed, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(PinMsuno, LOW); // setto MS1 alto
digitalWrite(PinMsdue, HIGH); // setto MS2 basso
digitalWrite(PinMstre, LOW); // setto MS3 basso
digitalWrite(PinEnable, LOW); // setto Enable alto
digitalWrite(PinReset, HIGH); // setto Reset alto
digitalWrite(PinSleep, HIGH); // setto Sleep alto
digitalWrite(PinVref, HIGH); // setto Vref alto
digitalWrite(PinDir, HIGH);
void loop()
digitalWrite(PinStep, LOW);
digitalWrite(PinLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(PinStep, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PinLed, HIGH);
Which are the problems? Please help me. Thank you.
HY 200 2220.pdf (215 KB)