Free RTOS and the Pololu Orangutan X2 library functions

I’m starting out an a project based on an Orangutan X2 and would quite like to get at least task scheduling in my system using freeRTOS. I’ve downloaded the freeRTOS port kindly maintained by feilipu and have got the basics to work.

My question is: would using freeRTOS and a spot of pre-emptive scheduling be likely to upset any of the Pololu Orangutan X2 library functions? I’m hoping that, provided I avoid hardware conflicts (e.g. I’m using timer 3 for the HW tick), it shouldn’t, but you know how these things are…

Has anyone tried this, or something similar?


Hello, Rob.

We have not heard of anyone using freeRTOS with the Orangutan X2; however, you might find this thread on using freeRTOS with the Orangutan SVP helpful.

- Jeremy

Oh, yes, that’s feilipu I see. I’ll maybe post onto the end of that thread to ask him how it went. Thanks.


One more question: do the Pololu library functions call/expect malloc()/free()? I’d expect not but I thought I’d ask.


Some of our libraries call malloc() and free(). You could look at the source code of the modules you are concerned about and see if they are used. The source code can be easily viewed on the GitHub page for libpololu-avr.

- Jeremy

Ah, yes, I printf() related stuff does, thanks.
