Fast 130ms Ping Pong Robot on YouTube


Check out our NEW videos and comment on our ping pong robotics project. Our goal is to make our robot intelligent and cost effective. I am proud to say that I purchased several products for my project from Pololu.

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The ModuPong channel is about a modular robotics system that tracks a ping pong ball in real-time. In addition, we cover in this channel how the system predicts and responds in less than 130ms.

Please tell me if you have any ideas on how we could make our system better. Cheaper and faster would be great! :slight_smile:


John Milton

Check out our Design Overview video.

Thanks for sharing, John! I saw that you used a Maestro servo controller. Did you use any other Pololu parts?


In addition to that item, I purchased 16 servos and a few other items for a few hundred dollars. That is it.

Check out the servos in the video:

Thanks for the question. Please tell me if you want more details.

John Milton

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for watching our videos. Please keep on asking questions. I am more than willing help other peoples’ projects.

Take care!

John Milton