Extending the 3pi RC example

Hi, Stephen.

Thanks for sharing your setup with us; great photos and presentation! How does it work so far? Have you had it up and running? Do you have any videos you could share (maybe something involving the onboard camera)? It looks like it might be a little bit back-heavy with the RC receiver hanging off the back. Have you had any issues with balance?

- Ben

G’day Ben,
heh heh believe it or not, I got caught with the standard xmas glitch… I need to go shopping and get some batteries for the RC transmitter :slight_smile:
I’ve had it running in line follow mode to see how the weight on the tail affects it. So far it looks good. The top of the transmitter box comes off to fit the cables directly to the pins so almost half the weight is removed before running…

I only placed it on the back to make room for the camera, but looking at how little circuitry is involved with the RC receiver, I’m wondering about transfering the actual components to the top board directly. The camera then could sit directly over the top of the board and be low enough to keep the CG down low and all up well balanced.

clear skies

G’day Ben,
have replaced the reciever with a much smaller one as per…

everything works like a charm and she’s very quick. I’ve done a vid and will post it as soon as I edit it

clear skies and a happy new year

That’s great, I can’t wait to see the video! Did you end up using the OrangutanPulseIn library code, or did you just do it the way the 3piRC example does?

- Ben

G’day Ben,
Happy new year mate… :stuck_out_tongue:
I did it exactlly as described in the 3PiRC instructions. I’m not game enough to start changing things yet heh heh. A bit more reading first.
The vid is 14 meg and I’ll upload it to Utube and then just add a link in my reply to it. I’ve got an uploader but just need to do it.

clear skies

G’day Ben,
well that was easy. I now have a youtube acct. The whole 14 meg vid is here…

My son was driving and I was doing the videoing.

clear skies

Thanks for sharing the video with us! I look forward to seeing how you customize your RC 3pi, and I hope you share some video from your micro camera. Happy new year to you, too.

- Ben

Hi All,

Yours looks neater than mine!! Nice job.

I have posted a video here too. Soundless I am afraid.

I extended the program a bit to all calibration. Ben, is there a way to store the calibration results in the permanent memory? I run the calibration settings each time at the moment. I don’t think so.


Hi Tim,

Thanks for sharing your video! You can store your calibration results in EEPROM, which allows them to persist even if you turn off your 3pi. Note that programming the 3pi using AVR Studio automatically clears all the EEPROM by default, so if you want your calibration values to persist through a reprogramming you need to disable the automatic chip erase that occurs when you program, or you can use AVR Studio to save your EEPROM to a hex file and reprogram the EEPROM with that hex file after you reprogram the flash. Do you know how to read and write to EEPROM?

- Ben

G’day Tim,
sweet job mate. The way mine is, it’s very sensitive to the controls. Yours looks very smooth.

Hey Ben, is there a way you can load more than one program into the 3Pi, say to an mini SD card reader mounted on board, then scroll through the different programs and pick which one you want to run? I assume you could but the amount of onboard memory might restrict it.

I’ve bought another top board, a red one because they go faster :slight_smile: , and will set it up with the RC and camera built in. I’ve also ordered another 3 Pi, addictive little buggars aren’t they?

watch this space :stuck_out_tongue:

clear skies

g’day guys,
here’s a couple of mods I’ve come up with…

clear skies


The ATmega328 can program itself using a bootloader, so you could potentially write a fancy bootloader that lets you select hex files from an SD card and program your 3pi with them, but that might be more work than it’s worth. I think it would be easier to just make your separate “programs” be separate functions of a single program instead. You could scroll through the available functions and execute the one you choose. Does this make sense?

Thank you for sharing your modifications with us, and please continue to show us what you come up with!

- Ben

G’day Ben,
yep, makes perfect sense.
I need to do a lot more reading and learning before I start doing stuff like that.
The mechanical side is easy for me, it’s the programming that I’ve got to get into now.
Back to the books… :smiley:
thanks for the help mate.

clear skies

Hi Ben,

RE EEPROM: Not yet:) I am sure I can figure it out. If there is a sample or web page you can point me at that would be helpful. Thank you.

Stephen - mine is pretty sensitive too. I did customise the mixing code a bit because I was not getting the sample code to max out the motor speed. But did not scale down channel 1 input so it still turns pretty quick. Having said this, it is limited a bit based on forward speed (so the faster forwards you are going the less responsive the turn is). This is the affect that I wanted, but it seems to be a side effect of the code really.

If you are interested I will post the code - I might update it with the EEPROM change first though.


Edit: I have had a quick look at read/write to eeprom using the funtions defined in <avr/eeprom.h>. I should be ok with this. I will let you know if not.

Well, here it is. This is my updated code which allows calibration and stores the results in the eeprom program space. Any comments and suggestions welcome.


 * RC 3pi
 * This 3pi robot program reads two standard radio-control (RC) channels and mixes 
 * them into motor control. Channel zero (connected to the PD0 input) 
 * handles forward and reverse, and channel one (connected to the 
 * PC5 input) handles turning.

I am using an 8 channel input, connect to channels 1 and 3 on the rc receiver
and to the pins on the 3pi in the positions shown below.

 1          2       3    4  5     6     7
|CH3 NEG|CH3 SIG|       |  |  |CH1 SIG|  |  
|       |       |CH1 POS|  |  |       |  |


#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <pololu/3pi.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>

#define bool short
#define true 1
#define false 0

// define the full battery charge and empty battery charge so that
// it will display % charged to the user on button c press.
#define FULL_BAT_MV 5800
#define EMPTY_BAT_MV 4900

// Standard startup function. I always display the battery
// voltage and percentage charged at the start of the programs
// as letting it go flat and re-programming it seems a very bad idea.
void waitForStartCommand() ; 

// I want to store the min/mid/max values for channels 1 and 2 in the eeprom
// memory so that I do not have to run the calibration each time. Define the
// initial values here as well. 
// **** Remember to program these onto the robot too from the .eeprom file. ***.
uint16_t EEMEM ch0_min = 300;
uint16_t EEMEM ch0_mid = 450;
uint16_t EEMEM ch0_max = 600;

uint16_t EEMEM ch1_min = 300;
uint16_t EEMEM ch1_mid = 450;
uint16_t EEMEM ch1_max = 600;

// This is to catch errors. 
const int maxLowPulseTime  = 3000; 

struct ChannelStruct
	// volatile as they are going to change within the isr.
	volatile unsigned int prevTime;
	volatile unsigned int lowDur;
	volatile unsigned int highDur;
	volatile unsigned char newPulse;

	unsigned int pulse;
	unsigned char error;

	// Each channel now has its own set of min/max/mid stick positions. 	
	int min ;
	int mid ;
	int max ;
} ; 

// capture the two channels.
struct ChannelStruct ch[2];

 * Pin Change interrupts
 * PCI0 triggers on PCINT7..0
 * PCI1 triggers on PCINT14..8
 * PCI2 triggers on PCINT23..16
 * PCMSK2, PCMSK1, PCMSK0 registers control which pins contribute.
 * The following table is useful:
 * AVR pin    PCINT #            PCI #
 * ---------  -----------------  -----
 * PB0 - PB5  PCINT0 - PCINT5    PCI0
 * PC0 - PC5  PCINT8 - PCINT13   PCI1
 * PD0 - PD7  PCINT16 - PCINT23  PCI2

// This interrupt service routine is for the channel connected to PD0
	// Save a snapshot of PIND at the current time
	unsigned char pind = PIND;
	unsigned int time = TCNT1;

	if (pind & (1 << PORTD0)) 
		// PD0 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[0].lowDur = time - ch[0].prevTime;
		// PD0 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[0].highDur = time - ch[0].prevTime;
		ch[0].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[0].prevTime = time;

// This interrupt service routine is for the channel connected to PC5
	// Save a snapshot of PINC at the current time
	unsigned char pinc = PINC;
	unsigned int time = TCNT1;

	if (pinc & (1 << PORTC5))
		// PC5 has changed to high so record the low pulse's duration
		ch[1].lowDur = time - ch[1].prevTime;
		// PC5 has changed to low so record the high pulse's duration
		ch[1].highDur = time - ch[1].prevTime;
		ch[1].newPulse = 1; // The high pulse just finished so we can process it now
	ch[1].prevTime = time;

 * updateChannels ensures the recevied signals are valid, and if they are valid 
 * it stores the most recent high pulse for each channel.
void updateChannels(bool calibrating)
	unsigned char i;

	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		cli(); // Disable interrupts
		if (TCNT1 - ch[i].prevTime > 35000)
			// The pulse is too long (longer than 112 ms); register an error 
			// before it causes possible problems.
			ch[i].error = 5; // wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal

		sei(); // Enable interrupts

		if (ch[i].newPulse)
			cli(); // Disable interrupts while reading highDur and lowDur
			ch[i].newPulse = 0;
			unsigned int highDuration = ch[i].highDur;
			unsigned int lowDuration = ch[i].lowDur;
			sei(); // Enable interrupts

			ch[i].pulse = 0;

			// Humm. I seem to get a bit of error at maximum speed/turn. This seems
			// to be because it is 1 or 2 over the min and max positions. Add a little
			// margin for error here before calling the pulse an error. 
			int maxPulse = ch[i].max + 50 ; 
			int minPulse = ch[i].min - 50 ;  

			// Note that we only test for out of range values on the min and max
			// when we are not calibrating, otherwise we don't know what are good
			// values.
			if (lowDuration < maxLowPulseTime || 
					( !calibrating && (highDuration < minPulse || 
					highDuration > maxPulse) ) )
				// The low pulse was too short or the high pulse was too long or too short
				ch[i].error = 5; // Wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal
				// Wait for error number of good pulses
				if (ch[i].error)
					// Save the duration of the high pulse for use in the channel mixing
					// calculation below
					ch[i].pulse = highDuration; 

void printCalibrationResults( long ch0, long ch1 )
	clear() ; 
	print( "Ch0" ) ; 
	lcd_goto_xy(0,1) ; 
	print_long( ch0 );
	delay_ms ( 500 ) ; 
	clear() ; 
	print( "Ch1" ) ; 
	lcd_goto_xy( 0,1 ) ; 
	print_long( ch1 ) ; 
	delay_ms(500) ;

void getCalibration( const char* text, int *ch0, int *ch1 )
	clear() ; 
	print( text ) ;
	lcd_goto_xy( 0,1 );  
	print( "Then B" ) ; 
	// wait for a button b press and a good signal. the user should have moved
	// the position of the sticks during this time.
	while(!button_is_pressed(BUTTON_B) ||
		ch[0].error || ch[1].error )
		updateChannels(true) ; 
	// capture this position.
	*ch0 = ch[0].pulse ;
	*ch1 = ch[1].pulse ;

void calibrate()
	// Get the min/max and middle sticks and store on the channels.
	getCalibration( "Middle", &ch[0].mid, &ch[1].mid) ; 
	printCalibrationResults( ch[0].mid, ch[1].mid ) ; 
	getCalibration( "Max/Rght", &ch[0].max, &ch[1].max) ; 
	printCalibrationResults( ch[0].max, ch[1].max ) ; 
	getCalibration( "Min/Left", &ch[0].min, &ch[1].min) ; 
	printCalibrationResults( ch[0].min, ch[1].min ) ;

void loadSettingsFromEEPROM()
	// for both channels load the settings from eebrom. Note that
	// we use the eeprom functions for this and pass the address
	// of the int within the eeprom program space as an argument to
	// this function.
	ch[0].min = eeprom_read_word(&ch0_min); 
	ch[0].mid = eeprom_read_word(&ch0_mid);
	ch[0].max = eeprom_read_word(&ch0_max);

	ch[1].min = eeprom_read_word(&ch1_min);
	ch[1].mid = eeprom_read_word(&ch1_mid);
	ch[1].max = eeprom_read_word(&ch1_max);

	// debug. print the loaded settings.
	printCalibrationResults( ch[0].min, ch[1].min ) ;
	printCalibrationResults( ch[0].mid, ch[1].mid ) ;
	printCalibrationResults( ch[0].max, ch[1].max ) ;
	// TODO: Catch errors. Check that the .eeprom file has been programmed
	// onto the robot.  

void writeSettingsToEEPROM()
	// Save the current settings so that they persist when the robot is
	// turned off.
	eeprom_write_word(&ch0_min, ch[0].min) ;
	eeprom_write_word(&ch0_mid, ch[0].mid) ; 
	eeprom_write_word(&ch0_max, ch[0].max) ;
	eeprom_write_word(&ch1_min, ch[1].min) ;
	eeprom_write_word(&ch1_mid, ch[1].mid) ; 
	eeprom_write_word(&ch1_max, ch[1].max) ;   

unsigned int errortime = 0 ; 

void drive()

	if (ch[0].error || ch[1].error)
		// This bit of code is a bit experimental really. I am attempting to
		// give a delay when the signal is lost of 500ms to avoid small gitches.
		// the user won't notice this loss of control. 
		// TODO: Test this code - not sure it works correctly.
		unsigned int time = TCNT1 ;
		if ( errortime == 0 )
			errortime = time + 500 ; 
			return ; 
		else if ( time < errortime )
			// don't shut down yet
			return ;
		// Ok switch off.
		errortime = 0 ; 
		set_motors(0, 0);
		return  ; 

	// good result so reset error time
	errortime = 0 ; 
	// This is basically the mix code from the example, but i scale each channel between
	// -255 and 255 first and then mix them. When forwards = 0,0, it will allow -255,255 of rotation.
	// when forwards is 255,255 it will give 0,255 of rotation.
	// TODO: Make this neater.
	long forwards = -(ch[0].mid - (int)ch[0].pulse) ;  
	long rotation = ((int)ch[1].pulse) - ch[1].mid ; 
	// scale both forwards and rotation so that they are -255 to 255.
	forwards = forwards * 255 / ( ch[0].mid - ch[0].min ) ; 
	rotation = rotation * 255 / ( ch[1].mid - ch[1].min ) ; 

	// now we simply do the mix. If we are not going forwards we can rotate
	// faster (i.e. +255,-255) than it we are going flat out as this would result
	// in 255,0. This is fine and what we want.
	long m1 = forwards + rotation ; 	          
	long m2 = forwards - rotation ;  

	// Clamp the values.
	if ( m1 > 255 )
		m1 = 255 ; 
	if ( m1 < -255 )
		m1 = -255 ; 

	if ( m2 > 255 )
		m2 = 255 ; 
	if ( m2 < -255 )
		m2 = -255 ; 

	// Print the motors speeds.
	if (get_ms() % 1000) 
		lcd_goto_xy(0, 0);
		print("m1 ");
		print("    ");
		lcd_goto_xy(0, 1);
		print("m2 ");
		print("    ");

	set_motors(m1, m2);

int main()
	// wait until b is pressed before starting.
	waitForStartCommand() ; 

	ch[0].error = 5; // Wait for 5 good pulses before trusting the signal
	ch[1].error = 5; 

	DDRD &= ~(1 << PORTD0);	// Set pin PD0 as an input
	PORTD |= 1 << PORTD0;	// Enable pull-up on pin PD0 so that it isn't floating
	DDRC &= ~(1 << PORTC5); // Set pin PC5 as an input
	PORTC |= 1 << PORTC5;	// Enable pull-up on pin PC5 so that it isn't floating
	delay_ms(1);			// Give the pull-up voltage time to rise
	PCMSK1 = (1 << PORTC5);	// Set pin-change interrupt mask for pin PC5
	PCMSK2 = (1 << PORTD0);	// Set pin-change interrupt mask for pin PD0
	PCIFR = 0xFF;			// Clear all pin-change interrupt flags
	PCICR = 0x06;			// Enable pin-change interrupt for masked pins of PORTD
							//  and PORTC; disable pin-change interrupts for PORTB
	sei();					// Interrupts are off by default so enable them

	TCCR1B = 0x03;	// Timer 1 ticks at 20MHz/64 = 312.5kHz (1 tick per 3.2us)

	// load the calibration settings from eeprom.
	loadSettingsFromEEPROM() ; 

	clear() ; 
	print( "B>Start" );
	lcd_goto_xy(0,1) ; 
	print( "C>Setup" ) ; 
	// Ok, wait for another button B press to start. Button C
	// launches the calibration. 
		if ( button_is_pressed(BUTTON_B) )
			break ; 
		if ( button_is_pressed(BUTTON_C) )
			calibrate() ;
			// Save the settings so that they persist when turned off.
			writeSettingsToEEPROM() ; 
			clear() ;
			print( "B>Start" );
			lcd_goto_xy(0,1) ; 
			print( "C>Setup" ) ; 

	// Now just do the drive code forever.
	while (1) 
		drive() ; 

    // This part of the code is never reached.  A robot should
    // never reach the end of its program, or unpredictable behavior
    // will result as random code starts getting executed.  

// Startup functions.
void displayBattVoltage()
	int bat = read_battery_millivolts();

void displayBattPercent()
	int bat = read_battery_millivolts() - EMPTY_BAT_MV;
	float p = ((float)bat / (FULL_BAT_MV-EMPTY_BAT_MV))*100.0 ; 

// waits for a button b press before running the main application.
void waitForStartCommand()
	typedef void (*DISPLAY)(void);  

	DISPLAY cb = displayBattVoltage ; 

	// I always start a program with button B and display
	// the voltage or percentage.
		cb() ; 
		print( "Press B" );
		if ( button_is_pressed(BUTTON_C) )
			cb = displayBattPercent; 
		else if ( button_is_pressed(BUTTON_A) )
			cb = displayBattVoltage ; 

	clear() ; 
	// delay a bit after the press before doing stuff. 


I think the reason our RC 3pi looks so smooth is because I had driven it around the office a lot before taking the video, and then I was definitely not driving it at full speed during the video. Also, I cut the video off at a point where I had just driven the 3pi into a vacuum cleaner that was off frame!

That mod to protect the IR sensors is nice, when I was driving my 3pi off 1’ steps in my house onto tile floors, I ripped the sensor (and its pad!) off. Maybe that LED would have saved it.

- Ryan

G’day gurus,
heh heh you know I’ve got a curly one for you if I start like that :smiley:

I’ve been reading the code layout and tutorial on the PID line follower. I worked out you can adjust it to make the 3Pi work faster and quicker.
I also worked out this is the line that is where you make the adjustments ( I think )

int power_difference = proportional/20 + integral/10000 + derivative*3/2;

Unfortunatley the explanation that goes with it is not on a low enough level for me to get the guist of what to do to adjust them. Obviously you change the numbers and that would be simple, but I need to know what numbers change what. I think “proportional/20” is the motor speed, but that’s it.

I suppose I could just put random numbers in the slots but that ain’t learning, It’s just guessing.

Good news is, my second 3Pi arrived this arvo and when the red expansion board arrives, It’ll be set up for RC with wireless camera attached… when will the fun ever stop?

clear skies

Hi Stephen,

The numbers you want to adjust are the constant multipliers of the proportional, integral, and derivative terms. In the example, these multipliers are 1/20, 1/10000, and 3/2, respectively. For the most part, coming up with good constants will be the result of a lot of trial and error, with starting values coming from an educated guess. I think the best way to learn really is to tweak the numbers one at a time and observe the result. A good starting point for the proportional constant is one that gives a reasonable power difference when you are a little bit off the line. Wikipedia also has a good article on PID.

- Ben

G’day Ben,
thanks for that. The link to wiki was excellent and explained a lot. Now my brain hurts and I’m running numbers in my sleep heh heh.

I’m building a larger track this w/end and will start working on the adjustments. I assume you adjust the parameters in the code, save as ‘what ever’ and load it to the 3Pi. Watch and take note of any difference and adjust again etc etc… till it runs flat out and dead accurate, or something close :smiley:

I’ll keep the details and if it survives, I’ll post a vid with details.

thanks and clear skies

Pretty much. The integral term isn’t very important when it comes to line-following, so I’d recommend you focus just on the proportional and derivative terms (you can make the integral constant 0). The most important term for you will be the proportional term, so you might try adjusting that one first (with derivative constant set to 0) and then add in derivative later. Before you start, try making an educated guess as to approximately how big the proportional term should be. You can do this by noting that the proportional constant will convert your number from a sensor reading into a motor speed. For example, if the possible range of sensor readings is -2000 to 2000 and the possible range of motor power differentials is -255 to 255, you might want to start with a proportional constant that is closer to 1/10. If you use one that’s much smaller than this, such as 1/100, the maximum power differential your 3pi will ever encounter will be 20 out of a possible 255, which most likely won’t be enough to keep it on the line when it encounters a sharp turn. If you use a proportionality constant of 1, your 3pi will max out its power differential when it’s only slightly off the line, which will cause it to swerve violently and will almost certainly lead to unstable behavior.

Something else to consider is that the derivative term is the difference between the last two errors, which makes it typically much smaller than the proportional term, so you will need a much larger derivative constant in order for the derivative term to have any meaningful affect on the motor power differential.

Note that the sample line-following code we provided works, especially at slower speeds, but it is deliberately unoptimized so that there is room for improvement. You can use those values as safe starting points, but don’t be surprised if the best values are several times larger or smaller. The actual ideal constants will depend on the 3pi’s maximum speed and how sharp the turns are on your line course.

Good luck; let us know how it goes!

- Ben