Drilling down a command to the ATmega328 instruction level

I’m developing curriculum for high school students to learn programming using the 3pi. The goal is not to teach them bit-banging. However, it is important that they understand how the commands are abstracted down to the binary logic & instructions within the uC.

I’m trying to “drill down” through the #include statements to find the ATmega 328P instruction code. So far, I have only been able to locate the delay routine:

static inline void delayMicroseconds(unsigned int microseconds)
 __asm__ volatile (
				"1: push r22"     "\n\t"
				"   ldi  r22, 4"  "\n\t"
				"2: dec  r22"     "\n\t"
				"   brne 2b"      "\n\t"
				"   pop  r22"     "\n\t"   
				"   sbiw %0, 1"   "\n\t"
				"   brne 1b"
				: "=w" ( microseconds )  
				: "0" ( microseconds )

While this is a great example, it is beyond the scope of what I’m trying to tell - stack operations, nested loops, are all too complicated to explain to a non-technical beginning student.

Can someone please direct me to the “drill down” for a simple bit operation like the red_led(1) command? I’ve done a somewhat methodical search through the subdirectories and haven’t been able to locate the appropriate low level file.

Note that this is to be used to teach the students that everything in a program ties back to the basic binary logic within the uC.

The only commands in the library you will find in .h files are inline functions. For everything else, you need to look at the actual library code, which is in the .cpp files within the “src” subdirectory of the AVR Library download. For the most part, you will not find “ATmega328 instruction code”, however, just normal C++.

For example, look at “src/OrangutanLEDs/OrangutanLEDs.cpp”.


So are you looking for “What the ASM code looks like for the C code”?

The red_led(1) ASM code :

0000012c <red_led>:
12c:   51 9a          sbi   0x0a, 1   ; 10
12e:   88 23          and   r24, r24
130:   11 f0          breq   .+4         ; 0x136 <red_led+0xa>
132:   59 98          cbi   0x0b, 1   ; 11
134:   08 95          ret
136:   59 9a          sbi   0x0b, 1   ; 11
138:   08 95          ret

Here is the complete program C code:

 * led1: for the 3pi robot, Orangutan LV 168, Orangutan SV-xx8, Orangutan SVP,
 *   or Baby Orangutan B
 * This program uses the OrangutanLEDs functions to control the red and green 
 * LEDs on the 3pi robot or Orangutan.  It will also work to control the red
 * LED on the Baby Orangutan B (which lacks a second, green LED). 
 * https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J20
 * https://www.pololu.com
 * https://forum.pololu.com

int main()
    red_led(1);               // red LED on
    delay_ms(1000);           // waits for a second
    red_led(0);               // red LED off
    delay_ms(1000);           // waits for a second
    green_led(1);             // green LED on (will not work on the Baby Orangutan)
    delay_ms(500);            // waits for 0.5 seconds
    green_led(0);             // green LED off (will not work on the Baby Orangutan)
    delay_ms(500);            // waits for 0.5 seconds

Becomes this ASM code:

LEDTest.elf:     file format elf32-avr

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .text         000002d0  00000000  00000000  00000074  2**1
  1 .bss          00000007  00800100  00800100  00000344  2**0
  2 .stab         00000498  00000000  00000000  00000344  2**2
  3 .stabstr      00000b69  00000000  00000000  000007dc  2**0
  4 .debug_aranges 000000b8  00000000  00000000  00001345  2**0
  5 .debug_pubnames 000001b4  00000000  00000000  000013fd  2**0
  6 .debug_info   00000555  00000000  00000000  000015b1  2**0
  7 .debug_abbrev 000002e0  00000000  00000000  00001b06  2**0
  8 .debug_line   00000462  00000000  00000000  00001de6  2**0
  9 .debug_frame  00000130  00000000  00000000  00002248  2**2
 10 .debug_str    0000034a  00000000  00000000  00002378  2**0
 11 .debug_loc    0000001e  00000000  00000000  000026c2  2**0
 12 .debug_ranges 000000a8  00000000  00000000  000026e0  2**0

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
   0:	0c 94 46 00 	jmp	0x8c	; 0x8c <__ctors_end>
   4:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
   8:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
   c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  10:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  14:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  18:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  1c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  20:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  24:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  28:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  2c:	0c 94 b4 00 	jmp	0x168	; 0x168 <__vector_11>
  30:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  34:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  38:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  3c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  40:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  44:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  48:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  4c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  50:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  54:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  58:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  5c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  60:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  64:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  68:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  6c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  70:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  74:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  78:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  7c:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  80:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  84:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>
  88:	0c 94 65 00 	jmp	0xca	; 0xca <__bad_interrupt>

0000008c <__ctors_end>:
  8c:	11 24       	eor	r1, r1
  8e:	1f be       	out	0x3f, r1	; 63
  90:	cf ef       	ldi	r28, 0xFF	; 255
  92:	d0 e4       	ldi	r29, 0x40	; 64
  94:	de bf       	out	0x3e, r29	; 62
  96:	cd bf       	out	0x3d, r28	; 61

00000098 <__do_copy_data>:
  98:	11 e0       	ldi	r17, 0x01	; 1
  9a:	a0 e0       	ldi	r26, 0x00	; 0
  9c:	b1 e0       	ldi	r27, 0x01	; 1
  9e:	e0 ed       	ldi	r30, 0xD0	; 208
  a0:	f2 e0       	ldi	r31, 0x02	; 2
  a2:	00 e0       	ldi	r16, 0x00	; 0
  a4:	0b bf       	out	0x3b, r16	; 59
  a6:	02 c0       	rjmp	.+4      	; 0xac <__do_copy_data+0x14>
  a8:	07 90       	elpm	r0, Z+
  aa:	0d 92       	st	X+, r0
  ac:	a0 30       	cpi	r26, 0x00	; 0
  ae:	b1 07       	cpc	r27, r17
  b0:	d9 f7       	brne	.-10     	; 0xa8 <__do_copy_data+0x10>

000000b2 <__do_clear_bss>:
  b2:	11 e0       	ldi	r17, 0x01	; 1
  b4:	a0 e0       	ldi	r26, 0x00	; 0
  b6:	b1 e0       	ldi	r27, 0x01	; 1
  b8:	01 c0       	rjmp	.+2      	; 0xbc <.do_clear_bss_start>

000000ba <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  ba:	1d 92       	st	X+, r1

000000bc <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  bc:	a7 30       	cpi	r26, 0x07	; 7
  be:	b1 07       	cpc	r27, r17
  c0:	e1 f7       	brne	.-8      	; 0xba <.do_clear_bss_loop>
  c2:	0e 94 67 00 	call	0xce	; 0xce <main>
  c6:	0c 94 66 01 	jmp	0x2cc	; 0x2cc <_exit>

000000ca <__bad_interrupt>:
  ca:	0c 94 00 00 	jmp	0	; 0x0 <__vectors>

000000ce <main>:
 * https://www.pololu.com
 * https://forum.pololu.com

int main()
  ce:	df 93       	push	r29
  d0:	cf 93       	push	r28
  d2:	cd b7       	in	r28, 0x3d	; 61
  d4:	de b7       	in	r29, 0x3e	; 62
    red_led(1);               // red LED on
  d6:	81 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x01	; 1
  d8:	0e 94 96 00 	call	0x12c	; 0x12c <red_led>
    delay_ms(1000);           // waits for a second
  dc:	88 ee       	ldi	r24, 0xE8	; 232
  de:	93 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x03	; 3
  e0:	0e 94 f3 00 	call	0x1e6	; 0x1e6 <delay_ms>
    red_led(0);               // red LED off
  e4:	80 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x00	; 0
  e6:	0e 94 96 00 	call	0x12c	; 0x12c <red_led>
    delay_ms(1000);           // waits for a second
  ea:	88 ee       	ldi	r24, 0xE8	; 232
  ec:	93 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x03	; 3
  ee:	0e 94 f3 00 	call	0x1e6	; 0x1e6 <delay_ms>
    green_led(1);             // green LED on (will not work on the Baby Orangutan)
  f2:	81 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x01	; 1
  f4:	0e 94 9d 00 	call	0x13a	; 0x13a <green_led>
    delay_ms(500);            // waits for 0.5 seconds
  f8:	84 ef       	ldi	r24, 0xF4	; 244
  fa:	91 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x01	; 1
  fc:	0e 94 f3 00 	call	0x1e6	; 0x1e6 <delay_ms>
    green_led(0);             // green LED off (will not work on the Baby Orangutan)
 100:	80 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x00	; 0
 102:	0e 94 9d 00 	call	0x13a	; 0x13a <green_led>
    delay_ms(500);            // waits for 0.5 seconds
 106:	84 ef       	ldi	r24, 0xF4	; 244
 108:	91 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x01	; 1
 10a:	0e 94 f3 00 	call	0x1e6	; 0x1e6 <delay_ms>
 10e:	e3 cf       	rjmp	.-58     	; 0xd6 <main+0x8>

00000110 <left_led>:
 110:	3c 9a       	sbi	0x07, 4	; 7
 112:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 114:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	; 0x11a <left_led+0xa>
 116:	44 9a       	sbi	0x08, 4	; 8
 118:	08 95       	ret
 11a:	44 98       	cbi	0x08, 4	; 8
 11c:	08 95       	ret

0000011e <right_led>:
 11e:	51 9a       	sbi	0x0a, 1	; 10
 120:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 122:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	; 0x128 <right_led+0xa>
 124:	59 98       	cbi	0x0b, 1	; 11
 126:	08 95       	ret
 128:	59 9a       	sbi	0x0b, 1	; 11
 12a:	08 95       	ret

0000012c <red_led>:
 12c:	51 9a       	sbi	0x0a, 1	; 10
 12e:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 130:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	; 0x136 <red_led+0xa>
 132:	59 98       	cbi	0x0b, 1	; 11
 134:	08 95       	ret
 136:	59 9a       	sbi	0x0b, 1	; 11
 138:	08 95       	ret

0000013a <green_led>:
 13a:	3c 9a       	sbi	0x07, 4	; 7
 13c:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 13e:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	; 0x144 <green_led+0xa>
 140:	44 9a       	sbi	0x08, 4	; 8
 142:	08 95       	ret
 144:	44 98       	cbi	0x08, 4	; 8
 146:	08 95       	ret

00000148 <_ZN13OrangutanLEDsC2Ev>:
 148:	08 95       	ret

0000014a <_ZN13OrangutanLEDsC1Ev>:
 14a:	08 95       	ret

0000014c <_ZN13OrangutanLEDs3redEh>:
 14c:	51 9a       	sbi	0x0a, 1	; 10
 14e:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 150:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	; 0x156 <_ZN13OrangutanLEDs3redEh+0xa>
 152:	59 98       	cbi	0x0b, 1	; 11
 154:	08 95       	ret
 156:	59 9a       	sbi	0x0b, 1	; 11
 158:	08 95       	ret

0000015a <_ZN13OrangutanLEDs5greenEh>:
 15a:	3c 9a       	sbi	0x07, 4	; 7
 15c:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 15e:	11 f0       	breq	.+4      	; 0x164 <_ZN13OrangutanLEDs5greenEh+0xa>
 160:	44 9a       	sbi	0x08, 4	; 8
 162:	08 95       	ret
 164:	44 98       	cbi	0x08, 4	; 8
 166:	08 95       	ret

00000168 <__vector_11>:
 168:	1f 92       	push	r1
 16a:	0f 92       	push	r0
 16c:	0f b6       	in	r0, 0x3f	; 63
 16e:	0f 92       	push	r0
 170:	11 24       	eor	r1, r1
 172:	2f 93       	push	r18
 174:	3f 93       	push	r19
 176:	4f 93       	push	r20
 178:	8f 93       	push	r24
 17a:	9f 93       	push	r25
 17c:	af 93       	push	r26
 17e:	bf 93       	push	r27
 180:	20 91 04 01 	lds	r18, 0x0104
 184:	30 91 05 01 	lds	r19, 0x0105
 188:	c9 01       	movw	r24, r18
 18a:	80 50       	subi	r24, 0x00	; 0
 18c:	9c 4f       	sbci	r25, 0xFC	; 252
 18e:	90 93 05 01 	sts	0x0105, r25
 192:	80 93 04 01 	sts	0x0104, r24
 196:	80 51       	subi	r24, 0x10	; 16
 198:	97 42       	sbci	r25, 0x27	; 39
 19a:	c8 f0       	brcs	.+50     	; 0x1ce <__vector_11+0x66>
 19c:	80 91 00 01 	lds	r24, 0x0100
 1a0:	90 91 01 01 	lds	r25, 0x0101
 1a4:	a0 91 02 01 	lds	r26, 0x0102
 1a8:	b0 91 03 01 	lds	r27, 0x0103
 1ac:	01 96       	adiw	r24, 0x01	; 1
 1ae:	a1 1d       	adc	r26, r1
 1b0:	b1 1d       	adc	r27, r1
 1b2:	80 93 00 01 	sts	0x0100, r24
 1b6:	90 93 01 01 	sts	0x0101, r25
 1ba:	a0 93 02 01 	sts	0x0102, r26
 1be:	b0 93 03 01 	sts	0x0103, r27
 1c2:	20 51       	subi	r18, 0x10	; 16
 1c4:	33 42       	sbci	r19, 0x23	; 35
 1c6:	30 93 05 01 	sts	0x0105, r19
 1ca:	20 93 04 01 	sts	0x0104, r18
 1ce:	bf 91       	pop	r27
 1d0:	af 91       	pop	r26
 1d2:	9f 91       	pop	r25
 1d4:	8f 91       	pop	r24
 1d6:	4f 91       	pop	r20
 1d8:	3f 91       	pop	r19
 1da:	2f 91       	pop	r18
 1dc:	0f 90       	pop	r0
 1de:	0f be       	out	0x3f, r0	; 63
 1e0:	0f 90       	pop	r0
 1e2:	1f 90       	pop	r1
 1e4:	18 95       	reti

000001e6 <delay_ms>:
 1e6:	28 ee       	ldi	r18, 0xE8	; 232
 1e8:	33 e0       	ldi	r19, 0x03	; 3
 1ea:	09 c0       	rjmp	.+18     	; 0x1fe <delay_ms+0x18>
 1ec:	f9 01       	movw	r30, r18
 1ee:	6f 93       	push	r22
 1f0:	64 e0       	ldi	r22, 0x04	; 4
 1f2:	6a 95       	dec	r22
 1f4:	f1 f7       	brne	.-4      	; 0x1f2 <delay_ms+0xc>
 1f6:	6f 91       	pop	r22
 1f8:	31 97       	sbiw	r30, 0x01	; 1
 1fa:	c9 f7       	brne	.-14     	; 0x1ee <delay_ms+0x8>
 1fc:	01 97       	sbiw	r24, 0x01	; 1
 1fe:	00 97       	sbiw	r24, 0x00	; 0
 200:	a9 f7       	brne	.-22     	; 0x1ec <delay_ms+0x6>
 202:	08 95       	ret

00000204 <_ZN13OrangutanTime17delayMillisecondsEj>:
 204:	28 ee       	ldi	r18, 0xE8	; 232
 206:	33 e0       	ldi	r19, 0x03	; 3
 208:	09 c0       	rjmp	.+18     	; 0x21c <_ZN13OrangutanTime17delayMillisecondsEj+0x18>
 20a:	f9 01       	movw	r30, r18
 20c:	6f 93       	push	r22
 20e:	64 e0       	ldi	r22, 0x04	; 4
 210:	6a 95       	dec	r22
 212:	f1 f7       	brne	.-4      	; 0x210 <_ZN13OrangutanTime17delayMillisecondsEj+0xc>
 214:	6f 91       	pop	r22
 216:	31 97       	sbiw	r30, 0x01	; 1
 218:	c9 f7       	brne	.-14     	; 0x20c <_ZN13OrangutanTime17delayMillisecondsEj+0x8>
 21a:	01 97       	sbiw	r24, 0x01	; 1
 21c:	00 97       	sbiw	r24, 0x00	; 0
 21e:	a9 f7       	brne	.-22     	; 0x20a <_ZN13OrangutanTime17delayMillisecondsEj+0x6>
 220:	08 95       	ret

00000222 <_ZN13OrangutanTime5init2Ev>:
 222:	a0 e7       	ldi	r26, 0x70	; 112
 224:	b0 e0       	ldi	r27, 0x00	; 0
 226:	8c 91       	ld	r24, X
 228:	8e 7f       	andi	r24, 0xFE	; 254
 22a:	8c 93       	st	X, r24
 22c:	e0 eb       	ldi	r30, 0xB0	; 176
 22e:	f0 e0       	ldi	r31, 0x00	; 0
 230:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 232:	83 60       	ori	r24, 0x03	; 3
 234:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 236:	e1 eb       	ldi	r30, 0xB1	; 177
 238:	f0 e0       	ldi	r31, 0x00	; 0
 23a:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 23c:	80 7f       	andi	r24, 0xF0	; 240
 23e:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 240:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 242:	82 60       	ori	r24, 0x02	; 2
 244:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 246:	b8 9a       	sbi	0x17, 0	; 23
 248:	8c 91       	ld	r24, X
 24a:	81 60       	ori	r24, 0x01	; 1
 24c:	8c 93       	st	X, r24
 24e:	78 94       	sei
 250:	08 95       	ret

00000252 <_ZN13OrangutanTime4initEv>:
 252:	80 91 06 01 	lds	r24, 0x0106
 256:	88 23       	and	r24, r24
 258:	29 f4       	brne	.+10     	; 0x264 <_ZN13OrangutanTime4initEv+0x12>
 25a:	81 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x01	; 1
 25c:	80 93 06 01 	sts	0x0106, r24
 260:	0e 94 11 01 	call	0x222	; 0x222 <_ZN13OrangutanTime5init2Ev>
 264:	08 95       	ret

00000266 <_ZN13OrangutanTime2msEv>:
 266:	0e 94 29 01 	call	0x252	; 0x252 <_ZN13OrangutanTime4initEv>
 26a:	e0 e7       	ldi	r30, 0x70	; 112
 26c:	f0 e0       	ldi	r31, 0x00	; 0
 26e:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 270:	8e 7f       	andi	r24, 0xFE	; 254
 272:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 274:	20 91 00 01 	lds	r18, 0x0100
 278:	30 91 01 01 	lds	r19, 0x0101
 27c:	40 91 02 01 	lds	r20, 0x0102
 280:	50 91 03 01 	lds	r21, 0x0103
 284:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 286:	81 60       	ori	r24, 0x01	; 1
 288:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 28a:	b9 01       	movw	r22, r18
 28c:	ca 01       	movw	r24, r20
 28e:	08 95       	ret

00000290 <get_ms>:
 290:	0e 94 33 01 	call	0x266	; 0x266 <_ZN13OrangutanTime2msEv>
 294:	08 95       	ret

00000296 <_ZN13OrangutanTime5resetEv>:
 296:	0e 94 29 01 	call	0x252	; 0x252 <_ZN13OrangutanTime4initEv>
 29a:	e0 e7       	ldi	r30, 0x70	; 112
 29c:	f0 e0       	ldi	r31, 0x00	; 0
 29e:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 2a0:	8e 7f       	andi	r24, 0xFE	; 254
 2a2:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 2a4:	10 92 00 01 	sts	0x0100, r1
 2a8:	10 92 01 01 	sts	0x0101, r1
 2ac:	10 92 02 01 	sts	0x0102, r1
 2b0:	10 92 03 01 	sts	0x0103, r1
 2b4:	10 92 05 01 	sts	0x0105, r1
 2b8:	10 92 04 01 	sts	0x0104, r1
 2bc:	b8 9a       	sbi	0x17, 0	; 23
 2be:	80 81       	ld	r24, Z
 2c0:	81 60       	ori	r24, 0x01	; 1
 2c2:	80 83       	st	Z, r24
 2c4:	08 95       	ret

000002c6 <time_reset>:
 2c6:	0e 94 4b 01 	call	0x296	; 0x296 <_ZN13OrangutanTime5resetEv>
 2ca:	08 95       	ret

000002cc <_exit>:
 2cc:	f8 94       	cli

000002ce <__stop_program>:
 2ce:	ff cf       	rjmp	.-2      	; 0x2ce <__stop_program>

Thanks, the ASM code that you listed will work great. For the time being, it will be a “then a miracle occurs” segue to describe how the “red_led” command becomes machine code directing the uC to set/test/clear the bits, which in turn represent high or low voltages.


AVR Studio makes it easy to not only view the assembly code that is generated from the C/C++ but also to step through it in the simulator. Compiling your program generates a *.lss file (you can find it by expanding the “Other Files” node in the AVR GCC file tree on the left side of the AVR Studio window) that contains the assembly code. It’s easy to read because the C instructions are interwoven with the assembly in a way that makes it clear which assembly instructions are related to which line of your original C program.

You can step through the assembly code using the software simulator. Select “Start debugging” under the Debug menu (if this prompts you with a dialog box, select ATmega328P as your device and Software Simulator as your debugger) and then choose “Disassembler” under the View menu. You can then use the Step Into and Step Over commands to execute your assembly instructions one instruction at a time, watching the simulated effect on various registers as you go. This might be helpful in showing your students exactly what’s going on.

- Ben