Connection problems USB AVR programmer and AVR Studio 5


I tried to program the 3pi Robot using the USB AVR Programmer into AVR Studio 5.1 and I had two problems:

  • The Atmega328p isn’t in the device list and I tried with the Atmega128p.
  • When I press the “Apply” button the following message is displayed: “unable to connect to tool STK500”

I am using windows 7. I test the tool using the AVR Studio 4 and it worked well.



Hello, William.

I’m sorry you are having trouble. Have you already followed the instructions in the “Programming AVRs Using AVR Studio 5” section of the Pololu USB AVR Programmer User’s Guide?


Hello, David

The Atmega328p is already appearing on the list but I’m still having the communication problem with the USB AVR Programmer.

The error displayed on the screen is the following:

[ERROR] Unable to connect to tool context: ‘Atmel.VsIde.AvrStudio.Services.TargetService.TCF.Internal.Services.Remote.ToolProxy+ToolContext’

May you help me with that? pls.


Have you already followed all the instructions in the “Programming AVRs Using AVR Studio 5” section of the Pololu USB AVR Programmer User’s Guide? There is more to those instructions than just getting the ATmega328P to show up on the list; there is also a firmware upgrade that might be required to fix the error message you are seeing.

What version of the firmware does your programmer have? You can find out from the Device Manager by following the instructions in the “Upgrading Firmware” section of the Pololu USB AVR Programmer User’s Guide.
