Connecting camera to servo pins @ SVP 1284

Hello all,

I have a micro camera that consumes 200-500 mA at 5V.
I was wondering if I can connect it to a servo pin of the SVP via the VADJ.

In order to do so I need:
A) A pin that can output such a current.
B) A pin that can be held high when a command is given.

because the VADJ is jumperable at the servo section I wanted to use one of the pins there - is it possible?
right now I have both SA and SB activated and 2 servos connected to servo 0 and 1, I was thinking about servo 2 for the camera.

Best regards,


Are you using both motor channels on the SVP?

If not, you could power one of the motor ports from VADJ, and then use a set_motors(255,255) command to turn on your camera. You will need to cut a trace on the bottom of the PCB and install an extra wire. See the “Power & Motor Connections” section here for info about how to do that:

If you are already using both motor channels, I think your only option is to use one of the AVR’s free IO lines to control an external transistor that powers the camera using VADJ as the power source.


Hello David,

Unfortunately, I’m using both motor channels.
Where on the board do i have direct access to the VADJ and is there a channel that is already connected to it, or should I wire it by soldering?
in that case, maybe I will just create a BEC that outputs 5V straight from the battery pack (currently giving me something at about 7.2 - 7.8V).

Best regards,


VADJ is hardwired to two pins on the SVP, and there are jumpers available for supplying VADJ to the servo power pins. See the reference diagram to understand how those pins are connected: … iagram.pdf
