How can I configure the radio for a high successful packet transmission rate (possibly at the expense of other things like data rate)?
Each packet I’m sending will contain about 18 bytes. I’ve already picked a channel that doesn’t interfere with nearby WIFI (checked with a spectrum analyzer).
Here are some of the options I’ve seen in the CC2511 data sheet. Will tweaking these help?
[li]data rate[/li]
[li]channel bandwidth[/li]
[li]forward error correction[/li]
[li]modulation format[/li]
[li]output power (I think the Wixel libraries already set this to nearly the max value)[/li][/ul]
About my application:
One wixel (TX) sends packets at a regular interval (50ms) to another wixel (RX). When the RX side gets a packet, it starts a timer to time some event. So if a packet is not received, the event is not timed and we lose a measurement. And yes, the trigger to start the timer has to be sent remotely (RX cannot know by itself when to start timing).
Besides trying to increase the packet transmission rate for a single packet, I could try to design a protocol with multiple transmissions, but this is trickier. For example, I could have the TX side send 3 packets in a row. Depending on which one is received first by RX, it will have to add an offset to the timer value (e.g. add 0 if you got packet 1, add X if you got packet 2, add 2X if you got packet 3) because packets sent later will be received later and cause the timer to start later. This requires knowing the time interval between packet transmissions from the TX wixel. I’m basically trying to avoid this kind of complexity…