Codebender Support for A-Star

The guys at Codebender wanted to be able to support these boards on their online IDE. Can a staff member contact them to organize this?


You can program the A-Star 32U4 boards like an Arduino Leonardo, and we provide the hardware definitions for the boards in the “A-Star Software and Drivers” download described in the “Programming using the Arduino IDE” section of the Pololu A-Star 32U4 User’s Guide. If the people at Codebender have questions about how to integrate the boards, they can reply here, or contact us.


Hey Ryan, Yusuf was kind enough to update us on our feedback forum of your discussion.

So, generally, in order for us to add a manufacturer’s boards, we need a couple of them for testing (we test in Windows XP-10, Linux, Mac, and Chromebook), and to update our list of drivers. Since your 32u4 boards also need their own drivers that becomes a bit more complex

Are you free for a Skype call sometime next week?


Can you email us to discuss this further?
