Cmu wins urban challenge

It’s official, CMU’s “Boss” won the DARPA Urban Challenge (yay), beating Stanford’s “Junior” by ~20 minutes!

DARPA official site
Tartan Racing (CMU)
Stanford Racing

I know a lot of people from CMU who decided to let themselves get totally absorbed in Red Team (which then became Tartan Racing) and it’s fabulous to finally see all their work finally pay off. Not that I have anything against Stanford.

Also, Cornell’s Chevy Tahoe (Skynet, bad choice of name if you ask me) apparently T-Boned MIT’s Land Rover (Talos). Robot road rage?


Darpa just posted their video highlights of the Urban challenge, with the obligatory epic musical accompaniment (although for the good bloopers, you’ll have to go to YouTube):


It’s a real quick shot in the qualifiers video, but it looks like one of the teams used a hacked Staples “Easy Button” as their kill-switch! Awesome!

I haven’t heard yet if Nova is going to do a sequel to The Great Robot Race, the episode all about the first two Grand Challenge desert races (which you can watch online here). From the raceday video, it looks like Jamie Hyneman was there with a microphone, so maybe the Discovery channel will do something nice about it.


Very cool! Thanks for the links, Adam!