Capteur distance 4064


J’ai acheté un capteur de distance 4064 et j’utilise micro-python sur Pico de Raspberry. Je n’arrive pas à le faire fonctionner. Auriez vous un exemple de code simple disponible ?

La led du capteur s’allume bien quand un objet est détecté.



Unfortunately, we can only offer support in English, but from a quick internet translation of your post, it sounds like you are asking for an example program to read the pulse width output from item #4064. I posted a quick MicroPython program that does that below:

from machine import Pin
import time

# Change to match the Microcontroller pin connected to the sensor's OUT pin.
sensorPin = Pin(2, Pin.IN)

while (1):
    t = machine.time_pulse_us(sensorPin, 1)
    if (t < 0):
        # machine.time_pulse_us did not detect the pulse within 1 second.
    elif (t > 1850):
        # no detection
        # Valid pulse width reading. Convert pulse width in microseconds to
        # distance in millimeters.
        d = (t - 1000) * 3 / 4
        # Limit minimum distance to 0.
        if (d < 0):
            d = 0
        print(str(d) + ' mm')

- Patrick