Brushed DC Motor: 130-Size, 6V, 11.5kRPM, 800mA Stall

I am searching for the performance chart of this motor :

Brushed DC Motor: 130-Size, 6V, 11.5kRPM, 800mA Stall

Pololu item #: 1117

link to product

Here is an example for Mabuchi motor FA-130 datasheet (see model #18100)
Pololu item #: 77
link to performance chart


All of the information we have on that motor is on its product page and in its specifications; unfortunately, we do not have any torque graphs for it.

- Kevin

I’ve been looking for the torque graph over the internet but no luck.
What company produces this product? It does not have anything written on it…

Anyway thanks for your reply Kevin.


The motors are manufactured in China, and unfortunately we are not releasing information about our suppliers.

- Kevin