Breakout Board for microSD Card with 3.3V Regulator and Leve

I would like to see any example with schema (wire connection to Arduino board like UNO v3 or Arduino Nano v3 - both 5V) and program to work with Pololu product named “Breakout Board for microSD Card with 3.3V Regulator and Level Shifters” ( I need an example with use of all possible pins on that module.

I think that would be nice to prepare this kind of help to all modules that Pololu is make and sell. This could help to drive many new customers to buy Pololu products.


Thank you for the feedback. We try to have the information we think our customers would need to use our products available on our website, typically on the product page under the “Description” or “Resources” tabs. In this case, all of the pins are described in the “Using the breakout board” section of the of the Breakout Board for microSD Card with 3.3V Regulator and Level Shifters product page. How you connect it to on your Arduino board will depend on your code.

If you are using the Arduino SD Library, the connections for interfacing with the SD card are mentioned in the comments before each example script. Aside from those connections, you will also need to connect the VDD pin on the breakout board to the Arduino 5V out pin and the GND pin to GND. The EN and CD pins are optional and described in the section of the product page I mentioned before. If you have any questions about the pins or connections, you can post them here, and I would be glad to help.
