I have created Balboa balancing robot which uses a Bluetooth connection to an Android device for control. Here are some useful links:
A short video of FivePotatoe: https://youtu.be/9pQcHJDpBWg
The Joystick Bluetooth Commander app for android devices: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.projectproto.btjoystick&hl=en
The TwoPotatoe site containing more information on FivePotatoe: http://twopotatoe.net/. Follow the link to FivePotatoe for more information and construction tips.
FivePotatoe code on GitHub: https://github.com/robertstuart/FivePotatoe
FivePotatoe uses a Sparkfun BlueSMiRF Bluetooth module available from Pololu. It does not use any of the Pololu libraries since I was unable to get this project to compile with these libraries. It does not use the balancing code provided with the balboa-32u4-arduino-library-master, nor does it use the commonly used PID algorithm. It has proven quite stable and easy to control.
I hope others find this useful.