AVR V2.1 Programmer Configuration Utility won't connect

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.1139]
© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Kevin>pavr2cmd -s
Name: Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1
Serial number: 00320459
Firmware version: 1.02
Programming port: COM6
TTL port: COM5

ISP frequency (kHz): 114
Max ISP frequency (kHz): 1714
Regulator mode: auto
VCC output: Disabled
VCC output indicator: Blinking
Line A function: None
Line B function: DTR
VCC/VDD maximum range (mV): 896
VCC 3.3 V minimum (mV): 2720
VCC 3.3 V maximum (mV): 3872
VCC 5 V minimum (mV): 4128
VCC 5 V maximum (mV): 5856
STK500 hardware version: F
STK500 software version: 2.A

Results from last programming: N/A

Current status:
Target VCC (mV): 288
Programmer VDD (mV): 2976
VDD regulator set point: 3.3 V
Last device reset: Brown-out reset

This is the output of pavr2cmd -s
When I try the Configuration Utility, it will not connect. I get the error message “No AVR Programmer detected. … etc.”
My questions are: 1. how do I overcome the brownout reset, and 2. How do I enable Vcc Output?
Many thanks in advance,

Hello, Kevington.

Since pavr2cmd is working for you but the configuration utility is not, we should make sure you are using the right configuration utility. Please make sure the title bar says “Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2 Configuration Utility”. If that does not help, please send a screenshot so we can see the complete error you are getting and also the main window of the configuration utility.

It is not clear to me that the programmer’s brown-out reset is causing any problems for you, so I am not sure what you mean by overcoming it.

To enable VCC output on the AVR programmer, change the “VCC output” setting from “Disabled” to “Enabled” in the Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2 Configuration Utility. Also, you need to set the regulator mode setting to either 5 V or 3.3 V (by default it is set to Auto). The regulator mode setting specifies both the voltage that the programmer will operate at and the voltage that it will supply to the VCC pin. You can find this information under the “Power settings and status” section in the Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2 User’s Guide.

- Amanda