AVR Studio 5 and baby-O

I have gone through the docs and installed AVR Studio, AVR USB programmer, and libraries, but can’t get AVR Studio to upload to the baby-O. I can program the baby-O from the arduino environment so I know the programmer is installed OK. I can load a file in AVR Studio, create a project but can’t figure out how/where to go from here. Can’t find the examples talked about in the docs. The baby-O doesn’t show up in the list of boards available. Sorry for the dumb questions but I have spent a lot of time reading through the documentation!
How do I get AVR Studio to talk to my baby-O?
Some suggestions would be appreciated.



AVR Studio 5 is still in beta, and it does not yet support AVRISP programming. Please install version 4.18 for now. You can get it here.


Any idea how long before AVRISP programming will be included?
Will AVR Studio 4.8 and 5 installations coexist?



We do not have any information about what is going to happen with AVRISP support in AVR Studio 5. You should be able to have both versions installed simultaneously - please post here if that causes any trouble for you.

By the way, the AVRISP is not integrated particularly well with AVR Studio 4.18, either - you just get a toolbar button that launches the programming software, and you still have to manually specify the locations of your hex files. So if you are happy with Studio 5, you could also try accessing our the programmer from AVRDUDE at the command prompt or with a batch file.


could you point me to some documentation on how to program the babyO through AVRDude?

Thanks again!


There is an introduction to AVRDUDE in the programmer User’s Guide.
