AVR ISP programmer: Trying to burn bootloader

I am using the Pololu AVR ISP programmer and am trying to burn a arduino bootloader but i did not have any success. I can verify that the programmer is installed correctly and can connect to it and ready the target chip using AVR studio. I get these errors on arduino when trying to burn the bootloader.

From those messages it looks like Arduino might be choosing the wrong COM port. How does Arduino choose which COM port to connect to? Which COM port is it connecting to? If you scroll up, do you see the full commandline that Arduino is trying to run (it should start with “avrdude”)? Which COM ports are assigned to the Pololu USB AVR Programmer according to your device manager?

If you can’t make progress on those questions or you want a quick solution, you should just find the .hex file for the Arduino ATMega328 bootloader (somewhere in your arduino folder) and burn that on to your board using AVR Studio (or avrdude).
