Austin Maker Faire 2008

Will Pololu be attending Maker Faire in Austin this weekend?

The Dallas Personal Robotics Group ( will have a table in the Show Barn. Everyone stop by and see our little 3pi robots running around, along with various other robots and robot accessories.


Dale Wheat

Hi, Dale.

Unfortunately, we will not be attending Maker Faire (maybe next year!), but I’ve heard that the Make people will be selling 3pi robots and accessories (programmers and expansion kits). I’m glad to hear that your robotics group will be there demonstrating 3pis in action. I’d love to hear any interesting stories you have to tell about your Maker Faire experience! If there is some cool 3pi stand there, can you take some pictures and share them with us?

- Ben

The amount of money I’m going to spend at the Faire keeps going up and up and up…the exact reverse of what it should be doing, all things considered.

I was hoping to resist the urge to buy a 3pi for a few more months, but it looks like that’s just not going to happen.