Altimu-10 V5 LPS25H Temperature

First time with Altimu-10 V5, all ok exept temperature reading
The LPS exemple SerialMetric compilation fail, exept if I change temperature type to long ( find at the end of this topic
So, is there a way to read float temperature?

For information when I tried the MinIMU9AHRS I didn’t understand why I had a lot of variation of calibrations values. After investigate I increased the delay from 20 to 500 after the gyro init in the setup (line 173 of MinIMU9AHRS.ino), and it’s ok.

Sorry for my bad english.


Hello, Tof.

We expect the SerialMetric sketch to compile and work without needing to change the data type of temperature. What Arduino are you using?


I’m using an arduino nano V3.
I investigated and I don’t understand
To test I try
long temperature = ps.readTemperatureRaw();
float test =42.5 + (float)temperature / 480;
That’s ok

But if I remove the Serial.print(temperature);

long temperature = ps.readTemperatureRaw();
float test =42.5 + (float)temperature / 480;
Compilation fail???

Sometimes, I forget ten years old xp computer…
And sometimes it’s a problem.

I find solution for my compilation probleme:
I located the LD.exe (mine was located in Program
Files/Arduino/hardware/tools/avr/avr/bin) and select properties, then
compatibility, and check “Run in compatibility mode”, select “Windows 98
/ Windows ME”, and click apply.
many cases of ld.exe crashes. (on windows xp)

Sorry for the inconvenience
Thanks for your help

I am glad you are able to compile now. Thanks for letting us know what the issue was.
