Adding A Star boards in Fritzing


I use Fritzing for breadboard design and schematics and was wondering if there is a way to add the A Star family of board as parts there.



We do not have any Fritzing files for the A-Star programmable controllers or any of our other boards. We are looking into efficient ways of offering these files, but we do not have a time frame for when (or if) they might be available.


Any news on this? I will have to make my own A-Star model in Fritzing otherwise.


Unfortunately, we still do not have any Fritzing models for our A-Star controllers, and it is not something we are currently working on.


Here’s a work in progress.Pololu A-Star SV.fzpz (29.6 KB)

Thank you for sharing what you have so far; we would be interested in seeing how your Fritzing part turns out when it is done.
