Accuracy ST sensor FlightSense

Hi everyone !
I’m working on the flightsense sensor thanks to the expansion board X-Nucleo-6180XA1 and a satellite on a STM32F401RE. And I have some questions :

I would like to know the accuracy of the sensor ?

Also, I want to use it to determine a distance between the sensor and a target.
I have implemented the example code and adapted it to my situation. I would like to measure the distance with at least 0.5mm of precision. But the sensor send only the result in millimeter by the I²C bus .
Is it possible to have a more accurate measure ?

Finally, I work on STM32F103 thanks to the SPL library and not with the HAL library. I tried to implement a code but unsuccessful …
Do you have an example with this library ?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

Hello, Julien.

We are not familiar with how the hardware you are using is configured and we do not have any examples for that combination of hardware and libraries. You might try consulting ST’s documentation for the sensor.


Hi Nathan,
Thank you for your reply.
I contacted ST and they told me that it’s not possible to have more resolution with this sensor.

Thanks for your time,