3Pi line sensor?

Hello all,

For a robot contest I am building a line follower robot. The rules state that you have to build your own robot so just buying a 3pi is out of the question. I am going to build a really similar robot to make a good chance :slight_smile:

Last year when participating in this contest my #1 mistake was getting the wrong reflectance sensors. Since I live in the Netherlands the price for shipping is pretty high. You understand that I have to get my first order just right…

So I would like to know:
What reflectance sensors are used on the 3pi?

The 3pi uses sensors very similar to the QTR-1RC sensors (the main difference is that the 3pi versions use 2.2 nF caps instead of 10 nF caps, but they still function the same way). We prefer the digital (RC) versions, but you might find the analog (A) versions easier to use. The sensors are pretty inexpensive, so I suggest you get a few QTR-1RCs and a few QTR-1As (or one QTR-8RC and one QTR-8A) so you have some options down the road.

- Ben