32U4 upload oddities

I’m using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 with the Visual Micro debugger. I’ve been using VS for serveral years and it works fine with the Arduino toolchain/IDE.

Now using a Pololu A-Star 32U4 and have some oddites going on. If I enable the Visual Micro debugger the application compiles and loads fine

However if I disable the Visual Micro debugger or upload with no debug I get below message in Output. I have no idea where it is finding ‘COM11’ The program does not seem to be running after this odd upload.

Any Ideas?

Compiling ‘CICStepper’ for ‘Pololu A-Star 32U4’
Program size: 17,198 bytes (used 60% of a 28,672 byte maximum) (3.42 secs)
Minimum Memory Usage: 1224 bytes (48% of a 2560 byte maximum)

Uploading ‘CICStepper’ to ‘Pololu A-Star 32U4’ using ‘COM10’
The upload process has finished. via ‘COM11’
Connecting to programmer: .
Found programmer: Id = “CATERIN”; type = S
Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given.
Programmer supports auto addr increment.
Programmer supports buffered memory access with buffersize=128 bytes.
Programmer supports the following devices:
Device code: 0x44


We are not familiar with Visual Micro’s debugger, so we cannot offer much help. The Visual Micro forum would be a more appropriate place to ask your questions concerning their product. It looks like someone else posted about a similar issue on Visual Micro’s forum recently.

- Amanda

I was afraid you would say that. This is NOT an issue with Visual Micro. I hope you read the error message in my post - this message comes up when the VM debugger is NOT enabled.

My script works FINE when VM is active, and has been for all the many months I’ve worked on this project. Now that it is nearly done - I’m uploading it with NO debug feature - and I get that message talking about the boot loader. Something is up with the 32U4…

In addition my comunications with SERIAL1 stops working whenever I do a “vanilla” upload - ie no debug active and the crazy message comes out.

As soon as I re-enable the debugger - the code loads fine.

Very puzzling and costing me many lost hours, :frowning:

Again, we are not familiar with using Visual Micro, and we have not seen anything like the error message in your first post from the Arduino IDE or AVRDUDE. The error message seems to be stemming from Visual Micro.

- Amanda

It was helpful to hear you say you have not seen the error. I’ve contacted Visual Micro - thanks.