3.3V 8x2 reflective LCD display

I like the size and form factor of the 8x2 LCD (reflective) display that you carry and would like to use a 3.3V version on low power projects. Does your supplier offer a 3.3V version and if so, could a couple be ordered?

I have not been able to find a similar one on any of the usual outlets – so far, the only 3.3V ones I have found are backlit, and require the backlight to be powered in order to be readable.

Edit: after posting I decided to try again, and found that Digkey now carries exactly one reflective 8x2 3.3V display (Newhaven Display Intl NHD-0208AZ-RN-YBW-33V). It looks very similar to the one you offer, so I ordered a couple for trials.

Hi, Jim.

We’re checking with our supplier, and I’ll let you know if they have something. I’m interested to hear how the units from Digi-Key work for you.

- Ben

Unfortunately, we just heard back from our supplier that they do not have a 3.3V version of that LCD.

- Ben

Thanks for checking! I’ll let you know how the Newhaven unit works out.

From the product page, it appears to be identical to the 5V display you carry.

The display sold by Digikey is V1.3 of the 5V 8x2 display that came with my 3Pi robot (V1.0) and is clearly from the same manufacturer. Works great!