#2587 microSD Card Reader Dimensions Missing


I would like to integrate the #2587 microSD board into a design I’m working on so that customers can optionally add the SD card adapter. The provided dimensions are missing a couple measurements such as pin-to-edge and mounting holes to pin-row distance. It’s making it hard to create a PCB library for the footprint.

So is there a source of more complete dimensions or a DXF file with outline and drill points? I’d be happy to share the Eagle Library file when it’s ready.

In addition, is it likely that Pololu will offer this board or at least something with the same footprint for the foreseeable future?


Thanks for your interest in our microSD card breakout board with regulator. We have added the DXF file to the “Resources” tab on the product page for that breakout board that includes the board’s dimensions and drill locations.

We have no specific plans to stop making that product, and even if we do stop carrying it as a stock product one day, we can continue to offer it for special high-volume orders as long as the components are still available.


Grant, Thank you for the fast response and adding the DXF to the product documentation.

As promised, here is the current EagleCAD library for Pololu parts that I have started:

https://github.com/CircuitMonkey/eagle-cad-libraries as co-pololu.lbr

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Thanks. I am sure some of our customer will find those useful.
