18-channel controller setAcceleration not applying until after moving

As the title says, Ⅰ set acceleration of the relevant channels “setAcceleration(9, 5)” for instance, but it never seems to come into effect until after one setTarget has been done. Is there something Ⅰ’m missing? Ⅰ’ve confirmed that the setAcceleration code is running before setTarget by ensuring setTarget Cannot run until after the acceleration setting block has been run through.

Ⅰ’m using a Teensy 4.1 to interface with the maestro using the arduino library, no scripting has been done directly on the maestro.

Please advise,
Thank you for your time!


The behavior you described is normal; due to the way that the Meastro applies speed and acceleration limits, it needs to have a known starting position, so those limits cannot be applied until the specified Maestro channel has a target position. All subsequent movements should respect the speed and acceleration limits (until the channel is disabled again or the Maestro resets). You can find more information about this in the last entry on the FAQs tab of the Maestro product pages.


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