16x2 LCD ROM code?

Dear all,
I have a question about CG ROM code page number. Datasheet for LCD controller HD44780U mentions 2 code pages A00 (Japanese) and (A02) European for characters with codes > 128. As far as I understand, the CG ROM code page is “hardwired” into LCD and cannot be changed from a program.

What is the CG ROM code page number for your 16x2 LCD with backlight (Pololu item #: 772)? I already have several similar LCDs, but all of them are with ROM code A00 (Japanese font). I need LCD with European CG ROM.

Thank you.


Hello, Konstantin.

I think the LCDs we sell come with the Japanese set of characters, but I will try to verify that tomorrow.

- Jamee

Hello, Konstantin.

I checked, and it seems that we sell the LCDs with the Japanese set of characters.

- Jamee