I have recently put together a 3pi with a WiFly-GSX module from Roving Networks (rovingnetworks.com/surf_board.php) and developed an iPhone app that allows for control of the 3pi over an adhoc network created by the WiFly module. In addition to regular push buttons to control the 3pi, I integrated the iPhone/iPod touch accelerometer for a new way of controlling the 3pi’s motion. Here is a video demo:
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions! Thanks for watching.
Thanks for posting your project! It’s always interesting to see the ways people modify the 3pi. Have you thought about making the interface more advanced by having the degree of tilt correspond to the speed? It would be cool to see you drive the 3pi about arbitrarily by mixing the x and y tilts.
Thanks for your reply Ben. I have thought about using the amount of tilt to control the speed, and make it so the motion is more fluid. Hopefully I’ll find some time to make that happen, but for now I just wanted to keep it simple in order to get the system working reliably. I’ll be sure to keep this thread updated!