Weird output serial monitor

Hey, I use qtr-md-16a sensors with Arduino Uno. Used simple skate from github/qtrsensor…
[QTRARawValuesExample.ino] i use on 3 sensors on Analog A0, A1,A2–>,3,5,7. I also connect pin2 to odd. give VCC 3.3
serial mononitor output: → �Ʀ祧���k�����+m
is it broken?

16:53:11.864 → 419 362 571
16:53:11.864 → 439 348 569
16:53:11.864 → 430 ���������������r����q��i�a� �)�/��-��� ��k���-� �����!���� ���Q����)�!�B���!� ��� � ����!�o�k� �m�)��/�535 481 493
16:53:31.667 → 554 493 496
16:53:31.667 → 559 494 501
16:53:31.667 → 566 ��-���m� ������m� ����!� �i� �!�i�!�!�����!���i�!�m��� � �

The Arduino Uno operates at 5V, so I recommend powering the QTR sensor from 5V as well.

As far as your Serial Monitor output, if you’re using our QTRARawValuesExample.ino example with only the sensor pin values changed, you should make sure your Serial Monitor is set to a baud rate of 9600. If it still gives you problems, could you post a screenshot of your Serial Monitor output as well as some pictures of your setup that show all of your connections? Also, could you post a copy of the code you are running with any modifications you’ve made?
