Tic-Tac-Toe game powered by Pololu

I made simple device powered by Pololu Baby Orangutan B-328 controller: Hand-Held Tic-Tac-Toe.

Here is link to short YouTube movie:


I will share schematic and C code soon…


Cool! That’s a fun interface. Please share what part you’re using for that encoder/pushbutton, too.

- Jan

Thanks for reply, Jan…

Here is description in short.

  1. Central computer: Pololu Baby Orangutan B-328 Robot Controller.
  2. Game board: Nine bipolar (green/red) leds.
  3. Input device: Panasonic EVQ-WTEF2515B Mechanical Rotary Encoder. It has 5 pins: 3 pins for encoder (1 ground pin and two pins which provide shifted impulses). In addition to rotary encoder this device has push button with two more pins. I ordered it here:
  4. Power adapter. Pololu Adjustable Boost Regulator 2.5-9.5V .
  5. RadioShack battery holder for two batteries. Alcaline 1.5 V or 1.2 V Ni Mh can be used,
  6. RadioShack SPDT Sub-Mini Slide Switch to switch power on/off.
  7. All components are mounted on RadioShack PC board and enclosed inside
    box from Johnson & Johnson Mini First Aid Kit

I programmed this game in C. As tools I used AVR Studio 4 IDE with WinAVR C compiler .

Hi jumbleview,

This is another awesome project for beginners!

Have you had a chance to work on a publishable version of your code, and a basic schematic? I think that if you posted a tutorial on this, it would be a great asset to beginners. Even without a full tutorial (if you can’t afford the time) it would be neat to see the code for the device!

Anyway, great work!


Thank you Reed. No I did not publish the code yet. There are two reasons for that:
1.I did not see much interest neither here nor at youtube: you are the second person who asked (the first person was Site Admin and there is a high chance he did it just to be polite).
2.But the main reason is that I am not satisfied with quality of game program itself. The game algorithm I coded is homebrew and should not be used as educational example. I still think to redo it using game three approach. As soon as I’ll finish I will publish it somewhere and will provide the link. But I cannot promise exact date. Sorry…


I have tried to made a blog about this game but a few things are missing like flip the cup part of this game check it out here https://tictactoebeast.com

Awesome project. Did you use minimax algorithm here? And how did you make the white casing? Looks like it’s written ‘Johnson and Johnson’ on top.

Have you published the schematic and C code yet?

Alas, I never published schematic and code for exactly that project. But I remade this project on barebone Atmega168 microcontroller. You can find the description here:
[Bytes, Volts & Pulleys: Atmel Microcontroller Plays the Tic-Tac-Toe Game]

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Nice site you created. It is fascinated how much can be told about this simple game.

Okay. Thank you!