3pi Robot Videos

Hi, Ado.

Very cool, thank you for sharing your video with us! I’ve heard of several groups trying to do some kind of swarm behavior with 3pi robots, but I haven’t actually seen the results of most of those. Did you just use a Wixel app for communication, or did you write something custom for them?

- Ben

Hi, Ado.

Nice job with your project! We added your video to our 3pi videos collection.

- Ryan

Here comes a short video which shows the functionality of our Android (Bluetooth) controlled 3PI-Robot.


The latest endeavour from Tabletop Robotics is multi-m3pi grid navigation (30 seconds). Four Wixels (one for each m3pi and one for the PC, which coordinates the communications) are used. Although the system uses three m3pis, it is easily scalable. The grid navigation itself uses concepts from the earlier single-agent grid navigation.

The agents navigate using A* pathfinding. The user controls the destinations of the m3pis using a C# .NET utility. The sped-up portions of the video indicate times where the user is entering destination commands. These commands may be provided to each robot individually, or all together at once, which is what you see in this video. As usual, source code (and a corresponding section in the Tabletop website) is coming soon.


Cool! I posted it alongside your other videos on our website. Let us know when you get the code up.

- Ryan

Hi there,

I just finished building a 3Pi/Wixel robot that is remotely controlled by Java running on a PC. A set of behaviours have been implemented in Java to allow the robot autonomy. The 3Pi runs the stock slave program. The Wixel handles additional commands to position the servo and use a Ping sensor to detect obstacles as well as handling wireless communication between the robot and the PC. You will find more info on youtube.



Thanks for sharing your project! It’s a lot of fun to see the ways people augment their 3pis. We’ll get your video added to the 3pi video library soon.

- Ben


I have modified the simple maze solver code to solve a maze from any starting point, the maze shouldn’t have any loops, but it can have repeated sequences, (check the first two solutions).

The robot will start from the end point to navigate the whole maze using the “left hand on the wall” strategy, then we can start the robot from any location, it will read 4 or more moves to decide its location with respect to the end point, then it will select the shortest way.


Hi, Moat.

Thanks for sharing. I am glad you got your maze solving code working like you wanted to. Feel free to post your code!

- Ryan

Hi, Moat.

That is a really cool modification to the traditional non-looped maze-solver algorithm! I’d love to see your code.

- Ben

Well here is the code, the modifications are only on the maze-solve.c class, the maze shown on the video has 71 steps.
the main Idea was to record the turns and the intersection type, I wrote some comments about it on the code, then when we start the robot from any point it will run for some steps to decide its location, then we simplify the rest of the path to the end, then the robot follows the simplified path!

The Code:

 * This file contains the maze-solving strategy.
 * Modified By Moat Amer 04Jan2013
 * moatasa@gmail.com

#include <pololu/3pi.h>
#include "follow-segment.h"
#include "turn.h"

// The path variable will store the path that the robot has taken.  It
// is stored as an array of characters, each of which represents the
// turn that should be made at one intersection in the sequence:
//  'L' for left
//  'R' for right
//  'S' for straight (going straight through an intersection)
//  'B' for back (U-turn)
// Whenever the robot makes a U-turn, the path can be simplified by
// removing the dead end.  The follow_next_turn() function checks for
// this case every time it makes a turn, and it simplifies the path
// appropriately.
char path[100] = "";
int intersection[100];
unsigned char path_length = 0; // the length of the path
char paths[10] = "";
int intersections[10];
unsigned char paths_length = 0; // the length of the path sample
int m=5;
char pathsol[100] = "";
unsigned char pathsol_length = 0; // the length of the pathsol

// This function decides which way to turn during the learning phase of
// maze solving.  It uses the variables found_left, found_straight, and
// found_right, which indicate whether there is an exit in each of the
// three directions, applying the "left hand on the wall" strategy.
char select_turn(unsigned char found_left, unsigned char found_straight, unsigned char found_right)
	// Make a decision about how to turn.  The following code
	// implements a left-hand-on-the-wall strategy, where we always
	// turn as far to the left as possible.
	if(found_left) // L->1
		return 'L';
	else if(found_straight) // S->2
		return 'S';
	else if(found_right) // R->3
		return 'R';
	else // back->0
		return 'B';

// code for intersection recording
int record_intersec(unsigned char found_left, unsigned char found_straight, unsigned char found_right)
	// Make a decision about how to turn.  The following code
	// implements a left-hand-on-the-wall strategy, where we always
	// turn as far to the left as possible.
	if(found_left && found_right && found_straight) // LRS->4
	return '4';
	else if(found_left && found_right) // LR->3
	return '3';
	else if(found_right && found_straight) // RS->2
	return '2';
	else if(found_left && found_straight) // LS->1
	return '1';
	else // No intersection->0
	return '0';

// Path simplification.  The strategy is that whenever we encounter a
// sequence xBx, we can simplify it by cutting out the dead end.  For
// example, LBL -> S, because a single S bypasses the dead end
// represented by LBL.

void simplify_path()
	// only simplify the path if the second-to-last turn was a 'B'
	if(pathsol_length < 3 || pathsol[pathsol_length-2] != 'B')

	int total_angle = 0;
	int i;
		case 'R':
			total_angle += 90;
		case 'L':
			total_angle += 270;
		case 'B':
			total_angle += 180;

	// Get the angle as a number between 0 and 360 degrees.
	total_angle = total_angle % 360;

	// Replace all of those turns with a single one.
	case 0:
		pathsol[pathsol_length - 3] = 'S';
	case 90:
		pathsol[pathsol_length - 3] = 'R';
	case 180:
		pathsol[pathsol_length - 3] = 'B';
	case 270:
		pathsol[pathsol_length - 3] = 'L';

	// The path is now two steps shorter.
	pathsol_length -= 2;

// This function is called once, from main.c.
void maze_solve()
	// Loop until we have record the maze.

		// Drive straight a bit.  This helps us in case we entered the
		// intersection at an angle.
		// Note that we are slowing down - this prevents the robot
		// from tipping forward too much.

		// These variables record whether the robot has seen a line to the
		// left, straight ahead, and right, while examining the current
		// intersection.
		unsigned char found_left=0;
		unsigned char found_straight=0;
		unsigned char found_right=0;

		// Now read the sensors and check the intersection type.
		unsigned int sensors[5];

		// Check for left and right exits.
		if(sensors[0] > 100)
			found_left = 1;
		if(sensors[4] > 100)
			found_right = 1;

		// Drive straight a bit more - this is enough to line up our
		// wheels with the intersection.

		// Check for a straight exit.
		if(sensors[1] > 200 || sensors[2] > 200 || sensors[3] > 200)
			found_straight = 1;

		// Check for the ending spot.
		// If all three middle sensors are on dark black, we have
		// solved the maze.
		if(sensors[1] > 600 && sensors[2] > 600 && sensors[3] > 600)

		// Intersection identification is complete.
		// If the maze has been solved, we can follow the existing
		// path.  Otherwise, we need to learn the solution.
		unsigned char dir = select_turn(found_left, found_straight, found_right);
		int recint = record_intersec(found_left, found_straight, found_right);
		// Make the turn indicated by the path.

		// Store the intersection in the path variable.
		path[path_length] = dir;
		intersection[path_length] = recint;
		path_length ++;

		// You should check to make sure that the path_length does not
		// exceed the bounds of the array.  We'll ignore that in this
		// example.
    // Maze Recorded!
			// Beep to show that we finished the maze.

			// Wait for the user to press a button.
					print("Press B");

			print("Here we");
	    int i=0;	
		while (i<4)
		// Drive straight a bit.  This helps us in case we entered the
		// intersection at an angle.
		// Note that we are slowing down - this prevents the robot
		// from tipping forward too much.

		// These variables record whether the robot has seen a line to the
		// left, straight ahead, and right, while examining the current
		// intersection.
		unsigned char found_left=0;
		unsigned char found_straight=0;
		unsigned char found_right=0;

		// Now read the sensors and check the intersection type.
		unsigned int sensors[5];

		// Check for left and right exits.
		if(sensors[0] > 100)
			found_left = 1;
		if(sensors[4] > 100)
			found_right = 1;

		// Drive straight a bit more - this is enough to line up our
		// wheels with the intersection.

		// Check for a straight exit.
		if(sensors[1] > 200 || sensors[2] > 200 || sensors[3] > 200)
			found_straight = 1;

		unsigned char dir = select_turn(found_left, found_straight, found_right);
		int recint = record_intersec(found_left, found_straight, found_right);
		// Make the turn indicated by the path.

		// Store the intersection in the path variable.
		paths[paths_length] = dir;
		intersections[paths_length] = recint;
		if (paths[paths_length] != 'B')
			paths_length ++;
			paths_length ++;
        // Find the robot location with respect to the end.
		// The Robot location code can be simplified more. 
		// Its Possible to modify this code, so we start by running the robot two steps, 
		// then we check how many values of m we have, if we have more than one value we add another step and so on until we have one m value. 
		int i2;
		int c2;

		for (i=0;i<100;i++)
			if (i<(100-paths_length))
				while (i2<paths_length)
					if (paths[i2]==path[i+i2] && intersections[i2]==intersection[i+i2])
					if (c2!=1)
					if (i2 == paths_length )

		// We found the Robot location, now find the shortest way to the end.
			pathsol_length ++;

	// Go to the end.
		// Re-run the maze.  It's not necessary to identify the
		// intersections, so this loop is really simple.

			// Drive straight while slowing down, as before.

			// Make a turn according to the instruction stored in
			// pathsol[i].
			unsigned int sensors[5];
			// The end is reached.
			if(sensors[1] > 600 && sensors[2] > 600 && sensors[3] > 600)
	// Now we should be at the finish!  Restart the loop.

// Local Variables: **
// mode: C **
// c-basic-offset: 4 **
// tab-width: 4 **
// indent-tabs-mode: t **
// end: **


Thank you for sharing your code! We have added your video to the 3pi videos page.

- Ben

Well, I have been working on some improvements on the code.
The improvements include:
1- Increasing the motors speed, when tracking from 60 to 90, when turning from 80 to 120.
2- Finding the location in fewer steps.
3- Solving bigger maze size (up to 400 steps).

I tried the robot on a bigger maze (193 steps), check the image below:

the video is below:

Finally here is a video comparing the robot performance before and after the improvements:

Enjoy… :slight_smile:

This video, entitled Human Use of Human Beings, was originally posted in another thread by kom75. It is a project by Robin Meier and Ali Momeni that features lots of 3pi robots:


Well, we’ve done it again!

Tabletop Robotics has created a simple global vision system called Project Paw Print, which coordinates the behaviour of multiple 3pi robots, and instructs them to form a stationary formation. Robots can be added or removed at any time, and the remaining ones will automatically balance the formation. Check out the video demo here.

The Tabletop Robotics website has undergone a few changes, too. In addition to a new look, we’ve also added a Challenges section that contains a few interesting projects for ambitious fans of the 3pi.


Hi, Geoff.

Wow, that’s fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

- Ben

Hi all,

The source code for the global vision system, Paw Print, is now available upon request on my website.

The documentation for this project is somewhat lacking due to my busy schedule, but the system is simple enough to figure out, and source code comments abound.



Here are some links to the Pololu-Speakjet audio robot project I have been working on:

Jerry Guttman

Zumo - with a code rewrite speed increase

3PI - stock sample code

Elenco Line Follower

Zumo - stock sample code

All of the above robot videos were test runs then later entered in this high school robotics competition

3PI on a test coarse as part of a STEM event at a local college years ago
this one has custom code that guesses the straights in order to go faster for straights and slow down for curves

Years ago I linked a 3PI setup as a fire fighting robot. This video shows it during the test phase

3PI winning the Swerve mini competition

My youtube channel has a large assortment of high school, college, my personal made robots, and public robotics groups video’s. (The robotics groups being Robomo and CIRC.)
Most of the robots on my channel have various Pololu parts.


What a great selection of videos! Thank you for sharing them with us. I really like Foamy v1 from your YouTube page. It’s great to see things made for the snow.
