PSoC4 ToF Sensor VL53L0X By Vlad RadoAiu @ */ #include "project.h" #include #include //Use in timed(continuous) or single mode #define CONTINUOUS uint16 dist = 0; double K_s = 1.0; double T_s = 10.0; double dist_f_old = 0.0; double dist_f_new = 0.0; uint16 dist_f_new_ = 0; // Timer1ms CY_ISR( timer_isr ) { TIMER_STATUS; // Clear timer status timeout_start_ms++; } uint8_t getAddress(void) { return VL53L0X_address; } int main(void) { CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts. */ TIMER_Init(); isr_StartEx( timer_isr ); TIMER_Start(); LCD_Start(); LCD_ClearDisplay(); I2C_Start(); UART_Start(); UART_PutString("Hello\n"); VL53L0X_init(1); //initialize in 2.8V mode, default 500ms timeout VL53L0X_setAddress(120);// replaceing the sensor initial value decimal 41(0x29) to 120(0x78) uint8_t newaddress; newaddress = getAddress(); #ifdef CONTINUOUS VL53L0X_startContinuous(100); // timed continuous mode, if 0 scan as fast as posible #endif CyDelay(50); // wait for the device to start for(;;) { #ifdef CONTINUOUS dist = VL53L0X_readRangeContinuousMillimeters(); #else dist = VL53L0X_readRangeSingleMillimeters(); #endif dist_f_new = dist_f_old + (K_s/T_s)*((double)dist-dist_f_old);//lowpass filter dist_f_old = dist_f_new; dist_f_new_ = (uint16)dist_f_new-4; // serial print distance char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "Distance = %d %d %d\n", dist, dist_f_new_, newaddress); LCD_Position(0u,0u); LCD_PrintString("D1 ");//printing new value after filter LCD_PrintNumber(dist_f_new_); LCD_Position(1u,0u); LCD_PrintString("D2 ");//printing sensor original value LCD_PrintNumber(dist); LCD_Position(0u,9u); LCD_PrintString("add ");//printing sensor address LCD_PrintNumber(newaddress); UART_PutString(buf); CyDelay(100); } } /* [] END OF FILE */