Zumo LSM303 Problem (SOLVED)

Commenting code out seems to add “creep” or turning a couple of degrees after stopping at each Cardinal Point, while with code in “creep” is more occasional. So, leaving code in, is better.

Going to try to inscribe a square around the center point of Zumo using Mr. Compass. Think it will work? Maybe attach a pencil to Zumo.


I’m not sure, but I’d love to hear how it goes if you try it.

- Ben

just to let you know my experience with this one. Downloaded and installed the sketch, the zumo span around twice, then went into a mad spin, non stop. I changed the sensitivity from 13 to 25 and it now works perfectly. (no buzzer mind you, but thats not a prob, it works with the buzzer lib so I’m not worried, probably just the pin assignment) this is with an arduino UNO so that probably explains the buzzer.

Otherwise though, works :slight_smile:
changed to this


Thanks for letting us know how the code worked for you! I’m glad to hear all went well once you modified the sensitivity.

- Ben

be nice to see this one using the latest libraries :wink:

perhaps with a little drive in between to proscribe a square

I agree; I’ll push to get something done, hopefully sooner rather than later.

- Ben