TB6612FNG Dual Motor driver carrier help


im doing a project for university and we basically have to make a device that drives forwards, waits for a bit and then drives backwards using logic circuitry…

i have made a timing circuit from two 4-bit binary counters and have 3 output states - forward, stop, reverse

i plan to use some kind of H-bridge driver to make the motor go, and i have a vague idea about how a h-bridge works, but when it actually comes to what goes where on the actual chip im a bit confused…

i am looking at the Pololu TB6612FNG because its cheap and i am only looking to use a 9V motor…

basically i just want to know what happens to AO1 AO2 BO1 BO2 when the different combinations of AIN1 AIN2 BIN1 BIN2 and…etc are high…

if i want the motor to go one way, what should be connected where?

like i said before, i have 3 different logic outputs, forward, stop, reverse

is it just a matter of AIN1 BIN1 high and everything else low to make it go one way, AIN2 BIN2 high to make it go the other way and then all 4 high to make it brake?

also, where do the motor leads go? its only a single motor, do i just need to connect the motor to AO1 BO1 for one lead and AO2 BO2 for the other one?

sorry for all the questions, im quite confused

any help would be greatly appreciated



The TB6612 is a dual motor driver; you only need to use one of the sets of input and output lines. There’s a truth table in the datasheet on page 4. You can set PWM and STBY high, and then just use IN1 and IN2.

- Jan